BCL Invoice Posting Tips


You will soon be completing the Month End invoice posting to the Budget Control Ledger (BCL), sending countless invoices out into the great abyss also known as the United States Postal Service. Upon arrival, our crack team of accounting personnel will spend countless hours painstakingly stacking, sorting, and ultimately paying the many vendors and suppliers we rely upon to effectively manage our properties.

Join us in thanking our accounting department for their continued efforts by helping make your invoice processing just a little easier for them. A little extra time spent reviewing your BCL before you send it in will save them countless hours of extra work both for you and the accounting team.

As you enter invoices into BCL, you’ll notice that most invoices are automatically coded to the appropriate G/L Code (that little 4 digit number usually beginning with a 6 or an 8). These codes tell our accounting department where to route invoices so that they can be paid promptly. Most of the time the default G/L code that pops up is the right one but sometimes certain invoices will get posted to the wrong account by mistake.

All invoices should be divided up and posted to the correct account in BCL before sending to the central office for payment. For a refresher in how this process works please reference your AMSI Manual, page 87.

Below we have included a short list of invoices we commonly find posted to the incorrect account.

Many thanks to each of you for your help and please let us know if you have any questions.

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