During the onset of very cold weather conditions, we remind managers of the following:
- Post without delay on all apartments a Freeze Warning Notice (print from eforms #C085).
- Staff should monitor the inside temperature of all vacant apartments until outside temperatures are forecast to stay above 40 degrees.
- Staff should monitor inside water service of all vacant apartments to make sure faucets are allowed to trickle; this will help avoid frozen water pipes.
- Activate pool and spa heaters just enough to avoid frozen pools and spas.
- Make sure your property has a supply of sand or gravel located in stashes throughout the property to help with traction.
- If snow cleaning is required, remember to include pathways to garbage areas, laundry rooms and site management office. Also clear access to fire hydrants, water shut-off valves and emergency access routes.
- Survey your property to identify overhanging branches which could present a hazard if snowfall occurs. Coordinate a timely response with your landscape vendor.
- Maintain availability/office hours in and around the property. All on-site employees should be on high alert. Office hours need to be maintained in inclement weather by employees who live on site. Employees who live off-site should travel only if safe to do so. Absences related to weather are considered paid leave.