On-Site Transfers…Just Say No!

As a reminder, Cambridge policy states there is no such thing as an “apartment transfer.” If a resident would like to move from one apartment to another on your property, you will treat it the same way you would treat a move-in and move outmoving truck

 Steps to follow:

  • When a household wants to relocate within the property, learn what the circumstances are. Common reasons might include a change in household size, desire to change apartment location due to mobility or other change of circumstance, neighbor to neighbor disputes or unacceptable / undesirable condition of current apartment and seeking upgrades.
  • Be prepared to provide a landlord reference – will you be able to give them a positive reference on:
    • Late fees?
    • Violations?
  • Conduct an inspection of the apartment to determine if the apartment is in good condition.
    • If acceptable, the household should be permitted to move into another apartment.
    • If not acceptable, the household should not be permitted to move into another apartment on your property UNLESS the apartment change request is due to an approved Reasonable Accommodation.
  • Understand and coordinate a timely transfer. Should a 30-day notice be required or not?
  • Have each person over the age of 18 complete an application and process as usual through Background Screening.
  • Just as with any other move-in, have each household member over the age of 18 complete all certification paperwork and obtain current third-party verifications / supporting documentation.
  • Compile and submit the complete move-in compliance file to the Compliance Department for review and approval. Note on the Affordable Housing Transmittal cover “Moving from one apartment from another on property.”
  • Once approved by the Compliance Department, follow move-in procedures for the new apartment as outlined in the Operations and AMSI manuals.
    • Obtain a new deposit unless you have obtained specific directions from your Property Supervisor.
    • Make sure to process the SODA as the household is entitled to an accounting statement for their former apartment.
    • All new paperwork, including Rental Agreement and Addenda, should be signed for the new apartment.
    • Determine if a lease-buy out will apply.
  • Follow move-out procedures for the apartment the household vacated from, as outlined Operations and AMSI manuals.
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