72 Hour Notices

Important message from the Bittner & Hahs’ Legal Team:

We change to daylight savings time at 2:00 am on March 10.  This falls in the middle of most 72 hour notices.  Tenant attorneys have argued in past years that springing forward an hour makes any notice served on the 8th, that expires on the 11th, last only 71 hours, and invalid.  While we strongly disagree with this position, we know of no court that has ruled on the issue. Since most of you do not want to be the test case, we recommend that:

(a)    If you hand deliver the notice, add at least an extra hour to the expiration time.

(b)    If you post & mail or mail only, add an extra day to the termination date.

Taking these steps ensures that your notice is at least 72 hours long.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and if you have questions, please contact your supervisor.

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