Obtaining Social Security Verifications

compliance memorandum

TO: All managers

FROM: The compliance department

SUBJECT: Obtaining Social Security verifications

DATE: 4/9/2013

CC: Affordable housing compliance department; portfolio supervisors

obtaining social security verifications

In order to meet compliance standards, all verifications must be obtained within 120 days of the certification effective date; this includes Social Security benefits being received.

Oftentimes, the only benefit letter an applicant/resident will provide is the statement received at the end of each year informing them of their expected benefit amounts for the next year.  This letter may not fall within the 120 days and requires an updated letter be obtained.

In order to assist your applicants/residents with the process of obtaining a current Social Security benefit letter for verification purposes, please utilize the following information:

  • Online verification can be obtained through the following website: www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount.  The applicant/tenant will need to set up an account if they don’t already have one.  If they are comfortable doing so and your time allows, this is an easy process and it may be beneficial to assist them in your office with this.  (This is the preferred method of the Social Security Administration as well as the quickest.)
  • Phone verification can be obtained by contacting the local SSA office.  To obtain the phone number for your local office follow these steps:
    • Go to www.socialsecurity.gov;
    • Click on Contact Us in the top right of the page;
    • Select Find an Office;
    • You will then be prompted to enter your ZIP Code half way down the page and need to click Locate.
    • This will provide you with the local telephone number as well as the address of the local SSA office.
    • If the applicant/resident is comfortable and your time allows, it may be beneficial to assist them in your office with this.
  • Phone verification can also be obtained by calling the main number at: 1.800.772.1213.  To speak to an SSA representative, you must call Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  • Lastly, (and least preferred method by the SSA) is for the applicant/resident to go directly to the SSA office and request a print out.  Follow the steps outlined above for obtaining the local phone number, as this will also provide the address of the local SSA office.
  • Please remember, with the new changes in delivery of Social Security benefit payments, it is necessary to determine how the applicant/resident receives their payments.  Please refer to the Compliance Memo emailed on March 11, 2013 addressing this.  
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