Dates on File Paperwork

As a friendly reminder, when reviewing and preparing files it is important to ensure the following:

  • For Tax Credit and HUD properties, the move-in and effective dates should match on page 1 of the TIC for move-ins. For RD properties, effective date of the TIC must be the 1st of the month (and the 1st of the next month if a household moves in after the 1st).
  • For Tax Credit and HUD properties, the move-in date on the Rental Agreement matches the move-in and effective date of the move-in TIC. For RD properties, effective date of the TIC must be the 1st of the month.
  • For Tax Credit and HUD properties, the effective date of the TIC should be the month and date of the move in but with the current year (ex. if a household moves in on 6/15/12 then the first recert effective date would be 6/15/13; the next recert effective date would be 6/15/14, etc.).
  •  If any form is signed after the effective date of the certification, write “True and accurate as of _______________ (the effective date)” on the bottom of each form necessary and have all residents over the age of 18 initial the statement(s).
  •  All household members over the age of 18 have the same signature dates on all forms.
  • Manager signature dates should be the same as the applicant’s / resident’s on all forms (certification paperwork and lease paperwork)

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kristin Strong at

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