Powersite Year End Close

On Tuesday, December 17th all sites are scheduled to complete their Powersite Month End Close in AMSI. With just under 2 weeks to go, we recognize that this task holds particular importance for each of your properties as it is the Year End Powersite Close. This process represents our final opportunity to make our mark in 2013 and start 2014 with the best foothold possible.

Please take a few minutes to read and print off this email, checking off each of the items listed below.  Please send a copy of this email along with the normal Month End Powersite Transmittal cover page when you submit your Powersite Documents.  If you have any questions about the specific items listed or are unable to mark any items off as complete, please contact your supervisor to discuss.

As always, we thank you for your continued help and for your hard work each and every day.


Checklist for Year End Powersite Close


Aged Delinquency Report

There are no more 5% of the total number of units for the property appearing on this report.

There are no outstanding balances listed beyond the 0-30 day column.

There are households listed as old status that show a move out date older than 11/15/2013.

There are no households showing a balance owed to the code “R” beyond the 0-30 day column on 12/15/2013, unless an eviction has been filed.

All remaining balances or credits less than $15 have been adjusted off in accordance with company policy (Excludes: Tax Credit, RD, Section 8, or HUD occupants).


Security Deposit Audit Report

Totals for Security Deposits and Pets deposits “On Hand” match the total listed as “Required”.

Affordable housing sites that have agency approved pet deposit payment arrangements, have all arrangements in writing.


Exceptions Report

All entries listed pertain to current units on notice only.


NSF Checks

All notifications of NSF checks from the central office have been entered into AMSI with the appropriate follow up conducted with the resident.


Move out’s

All residents with move out dates listed prior to 12/15/2013 have been processed in AMSI through the SODA function.

Appropriate documentation for all move outs with refunds due occurring prior to 12/15/2013 have been mailed to the central office for processing.

All remaining residents with a move out date prior to 12/15/2013 and with a move out balance owed have been mailed from the site manager’s office.

All eligible write off’s have been completed.


Move in’s

All Guest Cards, Traffic, and Applications have been entered into AMSI.

Move in’s occurring prior to 12/15/2013 have been entered into AMSI.


Property Income

All forms of resident payment have been entered and deposited the bank as of 12/15/2013.

All forms of miscellaneous income (i.e. laundry coinage, vending monies) have been entered into AMSI and deposited in the bank as of 12/15/2013

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