9 Most Common Powersite Transfer Opportunities

The Weekly and Monthly Powersite Transfers are a key part to running the property smoothly and effectively.  Please review these tips from the accounting team to ensure your powersite is processed correctly.


transfer1. Transferring Powersite on time allows accounting to stay on schedule and gets your mortgage, utilities, payroll and vendors paid on time.

  • Weekly transfers are due on Tuesdays
  • Month End transfer is due on the 3rd Tuesday of the month


2. Always Replace the previous week’s file.

  • Adding to the previous week’s file adds the current week to the previous week.


3. Please include the transfer amount in the e-mail.  That expedites the reconciliation process for accounting and gives you the opportunity to double check that you have attached the correct file.


4. Double check that you have included the current week BATCH.GLS file.


5. During the Month End transfer it is necessary for every AMSI user to be logged out except the person doing the Month End transfer.

  • Logging out must be done by pressing Enter on “Escape to DOS” in the main menu
  • Please do not click the “x” in the upper right hand corner of the window


6. Month End Reports MUST be printed before you run the Communicate With Home Office step.


7. Say YES to End of Month Transfer on the first screen on the Communicate With Home Office step.


8. Include all the files needed on the Month End Transfer – 3 files required:


9. At month end Powersite, you only run a Month End Transfer on the Month End week.  For Powersite, you do not do a weekly transfer on the last week.  This is a difference between BCL and Powersite.

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