Daylight Savings — Fall Back

Picture1Daylight Saving Time occurs on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00am and everyone should turn their clock back one hour. No worries if you forget, you will just get to work an hour early!

Things to remember with this time change:


Switch out your Summer Office Hours signs for the Winter Office Hours (some properties may only have 1 sign)

In order to prepare for the change in hours, please review the following:

  • Signs in and around common areas such as the clubhouse or laundry facilities
  • Telephone Recorders
  • Printed Advertisements


Adjust your exterior lights if they are on timers due to the fact that it will be light earlier as well as get dark earlier. As we progress toward the winter solstice, the timers may need slight adjustment to keep pace with the shorter days. Of course, on the other side, they’ll need to be adjusted back as the days grow longer.


Take this opportunity to check for any exterior bulbs that may be burnt out or broken, and check the general condition of your exterior lighting. Resident safety is very important to all of us and everyone will appreciate having well lit parking lots, walkways, and patios during this darker time of year.

If you have any questions or concerns about the above policies, please contact your Property Supervisor.

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