Memorial Day Holiday – May 25th 2015

Dear Site Managers,


Monday May 25th is Memorial Day Holiday! Except for a few special circumstances all offices, sites and support office will be closed in observance of the holiday. Contact your property supervisor if you are unsure as to whether your office will be closed.


  • As a reminder, if an employee’s regularly scheduled day off is Monday, another day during the pay period should be taken as the holiday.
  • Your holiday hours are already plugged in in your online time sheet. Unless your work on May 25th, you do not need to put in any hours for that day.
  • If you or your staff works on May 25th then they should be recording their hours worked on your time sheet.


Holiday Pay:

  • Employees who work 20 or more hours per week are eligible for holiday pay after their first 30 days of employment.
  • To receive holiday pay employee must work both the scheduled day prior and after a holiday; except if was pre-approved time off by the manager.
  • If an employee was scheduled to work the day before or after and cannot work (except in an emergency situation) they will not receive holiday pay.


If you have any questions please email or call Jasmine Kwatra at or 503.445.2793


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