We would like to take a moment to remind you about creating new Manager and Maintenance Logs for 2017. I have included below images of what the logs should look like and the item number from Office Depot for easy ordering. I have also included a .pdf attachment to this post with the instructions for each log book.
- Order New Log Books on http://www.officedepot.com/
- Print out the .pdf attached and cut page in half
- Tape instructions for the Manager’s Log inside the front cover – do the same with the Maintenance Log
- Write your Property Name on the front cover in a permanent pen
- Write the dates that the log is kept for on the front cover in a permanent pen – example: 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017
- Send in your 2016 logs (with your property name on the front cover) to the Site Employee Resource Center:
Cambridge Real Estate Services
PO Box 2968
Portland, OR 97208
If you have any questions about this process please let us know.