As a reminder,
Thoroughly completed Maintenance Request Forms are essential. Every data field on the form must be completed to create an exceptional business record. Special attention should be put forth to document Cambridge’s right to enter the apartment to complete the repair.
Management staff should take the time to review the comments of the responding maintenance technician. All pertinent details regarding the repair must be documented in writing. In addition, it is essential maintenance staff respond to the queries at the bottom of the form.
The yellow copy of the Maintenance Request Form is to be left in the apartment. The white copy of the request should be permanently filed in the Maintenance section of the Unit File in the management office.
Log all Maintenance Requests in the Maintenance Log. Follow the directions found on the EExchange and the inside, front cover of the Maintenance Log book.
Appropriate documentation provides all of us with the following:
- Assurance that no request is missed or left incomplete
- Compliance with Fair Housing
- Data on the frequency, type and volume of requests
- An excellent tool for follow-up customer service with residents
Below are examples of both properly and improperly completed maintenance request forms. Also below is Chapter 20 of the Operations Manual for a more detailed overview of the maintenance process.