What Is an After Hours Emergency?



Often times, our site maintenance is contacted by a resident after hours, requesting emergency service. More and more, we’re getting the question as to whether a particular call is actually considered an emergency, and if it’s appropriate to respond. Below is a document that outlines some basic scenarios, both for what is and what is not an emergency. Obviously, this list does not cover every situation, but it should give you and your maintenance personnel a good idea whether or not they should respond to a call. Please print the attached document, share it with your staff, and use it to help educate your residents before an emergency happens, so they’ll know if they should call the maintenance person carrying the after hours phone or pager.

Below are some examples:

What is an emergency? 

  • Doors or windows that won’t secure
  • No heat throughout the entire unit in autumn or winter months
  • No air conditioning during the summer in hot climates (for properties that provide air conditioning)
  • Toilet clogged or not working in units with only one bathroom
  • Liquid or sewage bubbling up from a sink or tub drain or toilet
  • No power throughout the entire unit
  • Any broken water lines
  • Water dripping or running from walls or ceilings
  • Water pooling on the floor when the source cannot be located
  • Water leaking from under a sink when the faucet is not turned on
  • An overflowing toilet that won’t stop.

Some examples of what is not an emergency: 

  • Locked out of an apartment
  • Appliances not working
  • Someone other than the occupant parked in a reserved or assigned parking space
  • A slow draining tub or sink
  • Lights, power, or heat not working in part of a unit
  • Disposal clogged or not working

And remember, when responding to an after hours emergency, always be prepared. Arrive in uniform, and have all necessary tools on hand. Often times, residents are shocked or a little frightened when they experience an emergency, so please be courteous and understanding.

Thank you, and please feel free to contact Scott Busch (sbusch@cambridgeres.com) if you have any questions

What Is An After Hours Emergency

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