Translation and Interpretation Services

In continuing efforts to provide excellent customer service and in some cases required by law for federally funded projects, we would like to remind you that Cambridge does provide translation and interpretation services when needed.  Services available include document translation and interpretation services.

If you need document translation or an in person scheduled interpreter, you would want to contact your supervisor to discuss if this is truly needed and to make the necessary arrangements.  If you have someone in your office or over the phone with limited English proficiency that you need to communicate with, we have contracted with Certified Languages International or CLI who can provide real time language interpretation over the phone.  I have attached an instruction sheet that you may want to print out and keep somewhere handy in case you ever need to use their services.  Just make sure to let them know what property you are calling from for billing purposes.

In keeping with this standard we are now requiring that all properties post a sign in the leasing office letting residents and prospective residents know that we have these services available.  Color copies of the attached sign will be sent to properties in Friday’s mail.  We would like you to order the following frame from Home Depot and post the sign in a visible location in the leasing office.

I have also included Cambridge’s Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan which has other helpful translation resources in the back.  Please contact your supervisor if you have any questions.

Limited English Proficiency Plan – Updated 2016

cres language sign


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