Planning Ahead: Preventative Maintenance

Cambridge implements a routine, annual Preventative Maintenance Inspection Plan for each community. The goal of the plan is to enter and thoroughly inspect each apartment no less than one time per year to prevent serious maintenance issues over the long term, and properly budget for maintenance needs. The plan schedules and tracks apartments normally over the course of 10 months, avoiding inspections during the holiday season out of respect for our residents and their holiday gatherings. Each inspection notes any deficiencies and the general condition of the apartment on the Preventative Maintenance Inspection and Repair Report.

Twice yearly, site managers should be sitting down and creating a schedule for their community’s preventative maintenance inspections over the next six months. You can figure out how many units you should inspect each month by dividing the total number of apartments by ten months (January through October). Credit is given to any apartments already turned over within a year, as they receive the same thorough inspection as part of the turnover process.

Residents in occupied apartments receive the Preventative Maintenance Notice preferably one week in advance of the scheduled inspection. There are instructions for the resident to note any existing maintenance issues in the apartment, so they may be reviewed during the inspection. The notice also lists a follow up date for service.

Special items of interest reviewed during the PM Inspection include the functionality of smoke detectors (tamper stickers are placed on them if not already existing), temperature of the hot water (hot water heaters should be set at 120 degrees Fahrenheit and tamper stickers in place), evidence of moisture issues, evidence of habitability issues, condition of appliances, plumbing and flooring, and condition of exterior areas such as patios and balconies. The Preventative Maintenance Inspection report is filed in the permanent maintenance file after all items are reviewed and addressed.

By the end of April, 80% or more PM Inspections should be complete. If you are not at the 80% mark,  review the remaining units and schedule them over the next three months. Reporting your progress  is part of the Monthly Manager Report. Please contact your supervisor if you have any questions, concerns or challenges.

PM Inspection Process

  1. Schedule inspections on the maintenance schedule.
  2. Distribute the PM Notice to those residents scheduled.
  3. On the day of inspections, have a PM Inspection Report and keys prepared for each apartment.
  4. A management team member enters and inspects apartment, carefully filling out the report and assessing the condition of the apartment.
  5. A maintenance team member returns on scheduled follow up date to complete any minor repairs noted in Step 4.
  6. Management promptly addresses housekeeping and safety issues through violation letter.
  7. Major emergency repairs are communicated to the Property Supervisor and scheduled immediately.
  8. Non-urgent or capital improvements are scheduled.


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