Take advantage of the summer months to make timely community improvements. Below are some suggestions for summer projects. Please contact your supervisor to get approval prior to beginning work.
- Survey asphalt and concrete for signs of damage or trip hazards. Document and report damage to your supervisor, discuss proper remedies.
- Landscape maintenance, irrigation system repairs and improvements.
- Exterior touch up painting.
- Exterior window washing.
- Freshen up parking lot and curb paint.
- Cleaning of common areas such as laundry rooms and clubhouses. Clean carpets and fresh paint are vital in our efforts to create a positive impression. Remember to clean dryer vents and hoses, clearing them of accumulated lint and debris.
- Property signage is a direct reflection of your property. Please take time to review all signs on your property.
If you have other capital improvements that should be scheduled for your community, make sure to begin planning in advance with your supervisor in an effort to manage costs effectively and cause minimal community disruption.