Shopper Evaluations

Making a great impression with prospective applicants is critical to success!  Here are some important reminders related to putting your best foot forward on property tours.  Along those lines, below is a blank shopper report for your review, so you’ll know what we ask them to look for when they shop your properties.

Additional information related to safe tours and other tips is available on the e-exchange at:


  1. Always ensure you are dressed professionally to ensure you make a great first impression
  2. When your prospect arrives at your office, stand up and warmly greet them. If at all possible, greet them at the door. Introduce yourself with a smile on your face.
  3. If you are busy initially, at least acknowledge the prospect.

Be Prepared

  1. Always know the apartments available to show and lease, the size of those apartments and other relevant information such as pricing and lease terms.
  2. Before the day begins, inspect your “marketing corridor”, which is basically anything the customer sees on the way to a rent ready vacant apartment.
  3. All resident common areas must be absolutely spotless including your office as well as the pathway leading to the vacant unit you intend to tour.
  4. Show your property’s amenities with enthusiasm.   Sell to your strengths by highlighting these features when demonstrating the apartment.
  5. When walking to the apartment, walk next to the prospect, if possible. Chat along the way and keep your prospect involved in conversation; questions about your prospect help to keep the conversation flowing.


  1. While in the apartment, guide the prospect.  Ask the prospect to open cabinets; appeal to the 5 senses: Taste, Touch, Smell, Sight and Sound. Sell “feelings”, not things.
  2. Point out the many features in the apartment and look to the prospect for a response.
  3. According to Cambridge policies, vacant apartments can only be shown if they are rent ready.  Further, we discourage you from showing the occupied units of other residents unless previously and specifically approved by your supervisor.
  4. For safety reasons, generally show apartments during daytime hours only.  Where exceptions are necessary, consult your supervisor.
  5. Take advantage of the walk back to the office to “close” the prospect!  You can be subtle, by asking “yes” questions, involving the prospect with the tour. You can also be direct, by asking for the application, asking the prospect to choose an apartment, or setting the move-in date.   Other managers find closing the prospect with applications in the actual vacant apartment — yes, including a pen to complete the application, can be very effective!

Follow Up

  1. Mail a “thank you” note that includes a business card on the same day a prospective applicant comes to visit.
  2. Place a follow up telephone call or email within 24 hours of the prospective applicants visit to your community. Inquire with the prospective applicant if they’ve made a decision.  Invite them back to your community for another visit if they have not.

Conventional Shopper Report

Tax Credit Shopper Report

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