Curb Appeal for Property Audits

As you know, compliance audits / inspections provide an opportunity for both you and your property to shine. There are several ways to ensure the property looks its best the day of the audit:

  • Keep in contact with your landscapers to ensure they will also be there the morning of the audit so it looks its best when the auditor arrives. Discuss and obtain approval from your Property Supervisor prior to having any landscaping work done which will incur any additional costs above and beyond your landscape contract.
  • Have your maintenance person power-wash areas in need — such as buildings, sidewalks and / or breezeways — around your property prior to the audit.
  • Take a look at your flags and banners – are they torn or faded? As soon as you are notified of the audit / inspection, let the central office know should you need new flags or banners. Contact your Property Supervisor to discuss any property needs well in advance of the audit / inspection, such as replacement building number signs, apartment number signs,  A-boards or any other needs.
  • If applicable, make sure your pool furniture is clean and placed in an organized manner around the pool rather than having chairs or tables in random places around the pool prior to the audit / inspection. If it is off season, make sure pool area is tidy and presentable.
  • In the few days prior to the audit / inspection, contact a trash hauler to remove any large items, such as furniture, left near garbage enclosures.
  • Have your maintenance personnel clean and sweep around and in each garbage enclosure the day before the audit.
  • As always, be sure to walk your property daily so that any and all issues can be addressed prior to the audit / inspection. Issue appropriate violation letters as needed well in advance of the audit / inspection to ensure these issues are addressed prior to the auditor arriving.

Should you have any questions about this information, feel free to contact your Property Supervisor.


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