Sexual Harassment Pamphlet


 Cambridge Real Estate Service’s objective is to provide a work environment in which employees are treated in a respectful and lawful manner. Therefore, our policy is to not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind and measures will be taken to prevent, correct and discipline behavior in violation of this policy.  As a reminder of our policy and to provide an outline of the types of harassment, our responsibilities as an employer and what to do if you have been harassed, attached is the pamphlet, Sexual Harassment”.

 For additional information, consult the “No Harassment” section on page 3 of the Cambridge Real Estate Services Employee Handbook.

 Please let me know if you have any questions.

 Property Managers:  Please print a copy of the attached Pamphlet and distribute to each of your employees by Friday, May 11, 2018.

 Thank you,

Angela Cooper, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

Director of Human Resources & Safety


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