Resident Appreciation Event 2019

A reminder to managers that we would like you to host a Resident Appreciation Event during the first few weeks of August.  We recognize that staff schedules may better allow a community event on a date of your choosing. Here are few ideas:

  • Wine and cheese mixer
  • Pool party
  • Family Social night
  • BBQ
  • Ice Cream Social
  • National Night Out (traditionally held on the first Tuesday in August)

It’s up to you! We ask that managers plan a community event within the first two weeks of August, send back a summary of that event on the form below RESIDENT APPRECIATION PLANNING 2019. Please see the letter and flyer attachments for managers to modify with their own messaging to residents.  I will be following up with you later in August so that your event photos and summary are included in our Exchange newsletter.

Requested on this form:

Property Name:

Event Date:

Time: (example: 5-7pm)

Theme: (example: Meet and Greet, Ice Cream Social, BBQ, National Night Out)

Food / Drinks: (example: snacks and soda, grilled hot dogs, ice cream)

If participating in National Night Out, which local authorities will be contacted: (example: Local Police, Local Fire)

Please return completed EVENT form to by August 1st.

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