Credit/Debit Card Instructions for Application Fees

Site managers,

Just to confirm, we DO accept credit and debit cards for application fees in Yardi. 

(However, please note, we do NOT accept credit cards for security deposits because credit card transactions hit the operating bank account, not the security deposit bank account.)

A brief summary of the process to accept a credit or debit card for an application fee is below and attached for your reference:

  1. Complete entering a new applicant’s information and be sure to charge the application fee in yardi
  2. Once the applications fee is charged, go to your payments dashboard  by clicking on “Roles” on top of the left menu, and then “Rent Café”

Once on the Payments Dashboard, select “Credit Card”  then “Credit Card – One Time” from the menu on the left.

  1. Once in that screen, enter your property, change the display type, and click the “payer” link. Select the applicant in the list.
  2. Then, click the “enter detail” button.

Note: If you have not charged an application fee, please stop here. You will need to charge an application fee before moving forward.

  1. Select the application fee charge and click “SAVE”.
  2. Your browser will take you to the credit card entry screen to enter the payment information.
  3. Once completed, print 2 copies of the payment receipt, one for the applicant and one for the applicant’s file.

As a reminder, once you are finished entering the payment, you’ll need to click back to “Roles” and then your manager role in order to get back to your normal view of yardi.

Please contact your regional manager if you have any questions about this process.

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