Q and A- COVID 19

In case it is helpful, here are a few answers to some frequently asked questions that we are receiving:

  • Yes, you can and should require people to wear masks when they are around you or other staff.  This is also the case when they are entering your office or community building.
  • Yes, that includes you. 
  • Yes, that includes maintenance, too.
  • Yes, and vendors.
  • Yes, you can and should require social distancing. 
  • Yes, that includes your staff.
  • Yes, you guessed it.  Residents and vendors, too.
  • Yes, you should keep us updated on the number of suspected and/or confirmed cases at your site as you learn of them.  Things change fast and we need to be responsive.
  • No, you do not have to have your offices open.  Or closed.  There is no one answer here and too many variables to possibly consider in one policy.  Please just communicate your circumstances and we can make good decisions together. 
  • Yes, you should be back to emergency / urgent maintenance requests only.  If you happen to be in an area where there are no cases, we can consider a more comprehensive maintenance program- in no case are we back to preventative maintenance inspections and repairs yet. 
  • Yes, you can ask people to leave their apartments when emergency maintenance is being completed. 
  • No, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. 
  • Yes, if you don’t ask them to leave you can and should require that they are in another room- away from our staff. 
  • Yes, we need to be sanitizing all frequently touched common area surfaces at least daily.  Preferably more often than that.
  • Yes, we know that cleaning expenses are rising.  It is okay.
  • Yes, we know that you are tired of cleaning the same things all of the time.  Need to do it anyway.
  • Yes, we have more masks that we can send you if you need some.  Just ask- we are happy to get them out to you!
  • Yes, we have hand sanitizer too.  We ordered a bunch cause of the craziness…
  • Yes, evictions (for other than non-payment of rent) are entirely complicated right now.   They are slow to be processed and are not always effective.  That being said, sent in your termination letter requests and we can work through this together.  To repeat- you should send in the termination letter request just as you normally would. 
  • Yes, all amenities (pools, weight rooms, etc) remain closed.
  • No, there is no rent break for this.  We don’t charge fees to use the amenities, therefore there is no fee to waive and no credit to offer.

Now, if you see a few residents walking together down the sidewalk- (sigh) not socially distancing and (gasp!) not wearing masks…   No- you cannot make them.   You should not yell at them out your window and as much as you might like to- you should not load one of those T-Shirt guns with masks and play target practice.  This is not okay.  What can you do??  Pay close attention and use that information to trace an outbreak if it comes to that… 

In case it helps- a “Mask Required” sign (to be posted in common areas and management offices) will follow under separate cover.

To sum it up-  We have been able to get through this so far by making adjustments to how we operate.  And, (sometimes to our surprise) we have done just fine.  Remember this- YOU are our priority.  We cannot do this without YOU.   We appreciate you and understand the environment that you are working in.  We are here to help and want to help. 

Everyone is getting tired of quarantine.  Things are opening back up- and, just as quick- things are closing back down because this virus is spreading.  This is not the time to become relaxed.      Now, go sanitize something.  Then wash your hands.  And put your mask back on.

Stay healthy!

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