Announcement — Winner(s) for Paying September Rent Online

As a reminder, any resident who pays rent online during March 2020 through December 2020 is automatically entered to win a prize each month! Prizes currently consist of a $100, one-time rent credit for the selected winner(s).

NOTE FOR PROPERTIES WITH 50 UNITS OR LESS: In order for a household to be selected as a winner at properties with 50 units or less, there is a minimum number of households paying rent online required to ensure good use of property funds:

  • Property is 25 units or less                           Minimum of 4 households paying online
  • Property is 26 – 50 units                                Minimum of 10% paying online

If your property meets the minimum number of apartments paying online as noted above (or if your property has 51 or more units), please follow directions on the attached to start the winner selection process.

Once you’ve completed the steps on the attached, the September winner should be chosen as follows:

  • Properties with 5 or less units paying online (but still meet minimum requirements noted above) – pick 3rd unit on Rent Roll
  • Properties with 6 – 50 units paying online – pick 17th unit on Rent Roll
  • NOTE: a second winner should only be chosen for properties with 51 or more units and:
    • That had 51-99 units that paid rent online, also select the 53rd apartment highlighted on the Rent Roll

Once you’ve identified the winner(s), notify the resident(s) via phone or email to let them know they can deduct $100 off when paying October rent. And, of course, offer them a hearty congratulations for being an October winner!!

Please also:

  • Enter this $100 rent concession in the resident ledger in Yardi before Rent Café allows rent payments again on 9/27/2020
  • Print this email and place a copy in the winning resident’s file, for documentation

Keep up the good work by continuing to help register residents to pay rent online; now, more than ever, it’s a win-win as the registration and setup can all be done through email and online!  And residents who are paying rent on-line can be assured of an accurate, timely and personal interaction-free rent payment experience!

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact

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