Proof of Vaccination Incentive

The health benefits associated with approved COVID-19 vaccinations are at this stage in the pandemic supported by medical science.  Vaccinations have helped reduce the spread of the virus.  And where breakthrough infections have occurred, there is overwhelming proof that infected individuals experience far less severe symptoms, are far less likely to require costly hospitalization or treatment and recover more quickly from what are typically mild symptoms.   Cambridge values its employees and seeks to create a work environment which is as responsive to the COVID 19 virus as possible.  To this end, we have reinstituted mask policies and are now pleased to announce incentive payments for those who have already taken the steps to become vaccinated.    Simply submit your proof of vaccination to me at and you will automatically receive a $250 incentive payment.  Please accept this incentive payment in recognition of your decision to join nearly 70% of all who are eligible to receive a vaccination.  Your vaccination status undoubtedly helped to reduce the spread of the virus.   For those who are not yet vaccinated, please be advised that Cambridge is not requiring a vaccination at this time.  However, it is increasingly common that employers are beginning to mandate vaccinations and Cambridge reserves the right to take this step forward at any point in the future.  Until then, we are implementing this reward program to recognize those already vaccinated, and to create an incentive to encourage the unvaccinated to become vaccinated.    This $250 incentive payment is available following presentation of proof of fully vaccinated status by those who are not yet vaccinated.  To be eligible, you must receive the first vaccination by August 31, 2021, and second one (for those requiring 2 vaccinations) no later than September 30, 2021.  Incentives will be paid on the payroll following submission of your vaccination record, with the final incentive being paid on the October 8, 2021 paycheck.   For those that have already submitted a vaccination card, no further action is required.  For those that are vaccinated but have not yet provided proof, please do not delay submitting your proof of vaccination.   We look forward to receiving your vaccination card, recognizing the largest number of employees possible, and experiencing a healthy and productive fall 2021 and beyond.

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