Yardi Asset Update

Yardi has made a small update that affects how we input assets. Assets are input during a Move-in, Recertification, or any Interim Recertification.

  1. When entering an asset data, you will now have a line asking for “Income Type” that includes a dropdown menu. This line needs to be completed in order to save the asset.
  2. From the dropdown menu, you will have to choose “Actual” or “Imputed.”
  3. As of right now, always choose “Actual.”
    1. Then input the Annual Interest % or Actual Income amount.
    2. If an account does not have any interest or income, leave these fields at “0.”
  • Of Note: At this time, if the assets are above $5K, and the imputed amount is greater than the actual, Yardi will automatically select the higher amounts, even if you have not selected “Imputed” in the previous step.

See attachment for a printable example:
Changes to Inputting Assets in Yardi

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