Aged Delinquencies

Good Morning Managers,

This week please focus on your Aged Delinquency Report and close this month with the cleanest, smallest, shortest, most delightful Aged Delinquency Report E-V-E-R.

We encourage you to seize this opportunity and begin the effort right away and conclude before Powersite closes on May 21st.

Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Collect balances due by knocking on doors and making demands for payments clear
  2. As an alternative to knocking on doors, the eforms website has a variety of notices and letters that may be appropriate in your effort to collect balances due.
  3. Process the final steps to declare a past move-out bill as ‘uncollectable’ by following write-off directions – click to read more about write off’s on the eExchange
  4. Clean-up small balance dues of $15 or less by completing the necessary ‘adjustments’ in AMSI Powersite
  5. Correct past Powersite posting errors which might have resulted in a balance due from a Housing Authority to exist but a credit to also exist for the same household on the “Resident Paid” portion of their account

Managers are asked to print an Aged Delinquency Report TODAY, to make all necessary corrections they can identify and comfortably collect, and then submit an updated Aged Delinquency Report to the central office by the CLOSE OF BUSINESS TOMORROW.   At their discretion, your Supervisor will either contact you directly or will request that an AMSI Help Desk Manager contact you directly to work through other adjustments and corrections necessary.  So that the records you provide are as informative as possible, prior to faxing your Aged Delinquency Report to your supervisor later today, please make notes on EACH AND EVERY PAST DUE account in the margin of that report so we understand the status.

Remember, if you have technical questions about cleaning up your Powersite your AMSI Help Desk is an available resource.  If you are unsure who your assigned helpdesk is follow this link to the eExchange.

Aged Delinquency Reports shall be faxed to 503.450.0241.

We thank you for your focused attention!

Incident Reporting

The purpose of completing an INCIDENT REPORT is to notify our insurance carrier of an event at your property, and to create essential records that provide details of significant or serious events which occur at a property.

The Incident Report (form C360) can be found on eforms.  This form should be completed with all pertinent information and forwarded to Laura Mather or your property supervisor as soon as possible following a qualifying event.

Qualifying events that should prompt an Incident Report include:

  • Any event which occurs on property and that results in an injury to any person — resident, guest, visitor, vendor or employee.
  • Any event resulting in substantial property damage.  Examples include but are not limited to:
    • Fire
    • Flood
    • Carport damage
    • Substantial resident damage to an apartment.  Example:
      • Resident does not report to management office that their toilet overflowed.  When management discovers the issue, it is 2 days later- the apartment is flooded resulting in the need to replace carpet, other flooring and interior saturated wallboards.  Costs for repairs exceed $4000. This is a reportable event even though the resident will likely ultimately be responsible for the repair costs.
  • Damage to property from weather related events.  Example:
    • Windstorm blows limbs from trees that damage roof on three buildings
  • Vandalism

The Incident Report is typically completed by the site manager, but can be completed by any member the site staff.

For reference, see Chapter 9 from your Operations Manual.  If you have any questions, please contact your property supervisor.