Scanning documents while working from home

This applies to all of you with an iPhone-

If you are working on paperwork and need to scan a document:

  • Go to notes. 
  • Hit the little camera icon at the bottom of the page. 
  • It will ask you if you want to scan a document. 
  • Lay out the pages you want to scan and position your phone like you are taking a picture.  
  • Once you take the picture, your phone save the document as a PDF file.   
  • You can then email the document to who might need it.

For an android:

  • Open the Google Drive app .
  • In the bottom right, tap Add .
  • Tap Scan .
  • Take a photo of the document you’d like to scan. Adjust scan area: Tap Crop . Take photo again: Tap Re-scan current page . Scan another page: Tap Add .
  • To save the finished document, tap Done .

Let’s admit it.  You just tried it.  It worked.   You are pretty impressed right now…

Please feel free to share with residents, this could be especially helpful when trying to return rent deferral paperwork.

Any more tips?  Let’s share!

Laundry Room Guidance- Cambridge COVID 19 response

This guidance applies to all sites that have central laundry rooms.  If your property does not have central laundry rooms for residents use- feel free to stop reading here.

In response to the COVID19 pandemic, below please find a notice to post in your central laundry room(s).  This notice outlines that:

  • Effective immediately we are no longer locking laundry rooms and keeping them available for use 24 hours per day.
  • This is in an attempt support social distancing and reduce the number of people using these facilities at one time.
  • In an effort to decrease the potential exposure of COVID19 these rooms need to be cleaned regularly and sanitized often.  Sanitizing should include wiping down areas typically touched during use- door knobs, light switches, laundry machine knobs and handles, faucets, etc.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your property supervisor.

Stay-At-Home Directives: Frequently Asked Questions

Local elected officials in California, Oregon and Washington have now provided “Stay-At-Home” directives to residents of these States.   Late last week and again today, Cambridge hosted conference calls to help employees understand how these directives influence our on-going responsibilities as property management and property maintenance professionals.  

Attached please find a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) circular regarding day-to-day situations that arise.

Please share this information broadly with other employees.  And please do let us know if there are additional questions for which we can offer our opinions.

Stay healthy! 

51 Ways…to Make the Most of This Business Interruption

Subject to employees adhering to best practices for “Stay-At-Home” directives and Social Distancing, here are some tasks we can all consider:

  1. Coordinate the Spring Cleaning Drop Box for Residents
  2. Complete a Landscape Evaluation…and present to your supervisor (only!)
  3. Patio and Balcony Inspections and Clean-Up
  4. Emergency Procedures Manuals to Be Complete
  5. Key Box Clean-Up
  6. Archive A Portion of Select Resident’s Files (more than 4 years residency) After Discussion with Compliance
  7. Archive Past Move-Outs
  8. Archive Past Business Records
  9. Email Folder Clean-Up
  10. Play at least 4 old Kenny Rogers Songs….Long Live “The Gambler”!
  11. Resident Email Addresses into Yardi
  12. Populate Yardi with Current Data
  13. Populate Tenant Tech with Current Data
  14. Be In Charge of Taking New Photographs of Property Exterior
  15. Research and Document Replacement Dates for Interior Components (on a unit-by-unit basis)
  16. Aged Delinquency Clean-Up
  17. Advance Planning for National Night Out
  18. On-Line Holiday Shopping….it is good for the economy!
  19. Vehicle License Plate Data Base Audit and Update
  20. Develop Assigned Parking Plan (if necessary yet missing from your community)
  21. Clean-Up Yardi Expired Lease Dates
  22. Study Your Property Budget!
  23. Pet Agreement Audit (don’t confuse Companion or Assistant Animals with Pets)
  24. Organize the Office Supplies Storage Dungeon (ahem, closet)
  25. Window Screen Audit
  26. Distribute Notices about Seasonal Air Conditioners
  27. Schedule Preventive Maintenance for Air Conditioners Owned by Property; Window of Opportunity is Second Half of April 2020
  28. Learn to Macrame….Again
  29. Stripe Parking Lot In-House
  30. Clean Out Maintenance Shop (if can be done in isolation but site employees living on site)
  31. Familiarize Yourself with Best Selling Handout “Cambridge Maintenance Specifications 2020”
  32. Get Current on Recertifications
  33. Get Ahead on Recertifications
  34. Spring Into Action Items Which Permit Social Distancing and Do Not Require Vendor or Off-Site Employee Assistance
  35. Call and Visit with Your Supervisor About Your Property’s Operational and Maintenance Opportunities
  36. Call and Visit with Your Property Accountant About Your Property’s Accounting Opportunities
  37. Call and Visit with Your Compliance Department About Your Property’s Compliance Opportunities
  38. Clean-Up A Maintenance Log for 2020….or start one!
  39. Clean-Up A Manager Log for 2020… or start one!
  40. Submit Past Maintenance and Manager Logs to Cambridge….finally!
  41. Refine Your Marketing Materials with Fresh Ads Suitable For Future Posting
  42. Re-Record your Out-Going, Business Office Phone Message….Particularly if it isn’t your Voice!
  43. Play at least 4 old Kenny Rogers Songs….Long Live “The Gambler”!
  44. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument
  45. Use the Internet to Learn About Your Neighborhood
  46. Use the Internet to Learn About Your Competitors
  47. Add One Thing to This List by Sending a Suggestion to
  48. Clean and Sanitize Your Office!
  49. Submit Data to Vickie Weisser at CRES Info for Your New Office Hours Sign….Survey Coming Soon!
  50. Document Sidewalk Conditions Which Can Be Addressed This Summer at Your Property
  51. And no matter what you do, Strive to Stay Healthy!

Remote E-mail and System Access

In order to ensure everyone can adequately access company e-mail and other important company systems from home, below are critical web links you will need. 

We would suggest that you save these web links into your “favorites” on your home device and ensure you have all applicable user names and passwords handy.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and should you have any trouble with accessing any of these systems, please contact the Blackpoint helpdesk at: , 866-326-5482

E-mail Access:

To access your work e-mail remotely from your home devices (phones, ipads, tablets, or PC) follow these steps:

  1. Go to: and then click on the Outlook icon
  2. Enter your work e-mail and e-mail password
  3. If you need help or run into any trouble, please contact the Blackpoint helpdesk at: , 866-326-5482


Rent Café:

Tenant Tech:

ADP Payroll:

Transamerica 401K:

Health Equity:

Regence Member Home page:

Spring into Action 2020

Please see below the packet for more information on community clean up dates, the spring maintenance checklist, flag and uniform ordering, safety and wellness updates and much more! If you have specific questions regarding the your property’s community clean up, please contact your supervisor.

Happy Spring Cleaning!

A bit of clarity…

In an attempt to add a bit of clarity in an ever changing situation:

Effective 3/17/20 at all properties until further notice –


  • All gathering places/amenities at your community should be closed.  (weight rooms, community rooms, dining rooms, etc).     
  • Laundry Facilities on properties will however, remain open, subject to local/regional mandates to the contrary.
  • Properties are authorized to post in conspicuous areas through-out their communities, any of the flyers/postings sent by SERC within the last 10 days.
  • All Preventive Maintenance Programs are suspended.  This includes follow up service requests unless documented as a priority work order.
  • Maintenance activities on properties will be limited to priority and emergency work orders to limit the potential of in person contact.  Maintenance can still complete grounds, turnover work, emergency maintenance requests and common area maintenance following CDC guidelines on sanitation and personal safety.
  • Residents are advised to keep matters pertaining to their apartment homes to phone calls and email if possible.
  • Residents and Employees are advised to stay home if they are feeling ill or are experiencing any symptoms of Covid19.
  • Site staff should stay tuned for additional information on ways properties can help team members stay busy and productive in various capacities.


  • Offices should be closed.
  • All gathering places at your community should be closed.  (weight rooms, community rooms, dining rooms, etc).
  • Depending on the specific directives given in the mandate, managers should be able to work from closed offices, if comfortable.  IF allowed, and if staff chooses this route, staff MUST take appropriate precautions.
  • Managers may also work from home if set up to do so.  Please inform your Regional and Property Supervisor if you plan on working from home in any capacity.
  • Managers should be able to respond to emergencies, if needed.
  • Depending on the specific directives given in the mandate, maintenance may still be able to complete grounds and emergency maintenance.  IF allowed, and if staff chooses this route, staff MUST take appropriate precautions.


  • If you are healthy:
    • Offices should be open- but following CDC guidelines on sanitation and personal protection equipment (PPE).
    • All gathering places at your community should be closed.  (weight rooms, community rooms, dining rooms, etc).
    • Maintenance can still complete grounds, turnover work, emergency maintenance requests and common area maintenance following CDC guidelines on sanitation and personal safety.
  • If you or a staff member is sick or for employees following self-quarantine/self-isolation advisories by the CDC:
    • Go home immediately and follow CDC guidelines.
    • Please refer to the published information provided by HR on absences and time off.  Contact HR by email at or phone them at 503-445-2793 or 503-450-0237 or 503-450-0247 or 503-450-0243 for any questions on your pay or benefits.
    • Offices should be open with alternative staff, if available.  If not available, offices should be closed.
    • All gathering places at your community should be closed.  (weight rooms, community rooms, dining rooms, etc).
    • Maintenance can still complete grounds, turnover work, emergency maintenance requests and common area maintenance using alternative staff, if available.  If not available, emergency on call maintenance only.  Responding staff  should follow CDC guidelines on sanitation and personal safety.