Author name: Admin


Planning Ahead: Preventative Maintenance

Cambridge implements a routine, annual Preventative Maintenance Inspection Plan for each community. The goal of the plan is to enter and thoroughly inspect each apartment no less than one time per year to prevent serious maintenance issues over the long term, and properly budget for maintenance needs. The plan schedules and tracks apartments normally over

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Reporting an Incident

It’s bound to happen eventually. There’s been an incident at your property and it’s up to you to handle the aftermath. Here are some tips to get you through the process successfully. Upon hearing about the incident, call the appropriate emergency authorities (fire department, 911) when appropriate. If someone is injured, always offer to call

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maintenance, safety, seasonal reminders

Playground Safety and Maintenance

As children begin to spend more time outdoors, it is the opportune time to clean play equipment and conduct a thorough safety check. Look for loose screws and bolts, and make sure any wood is in solid condition with no cracking or rough edges that can cause splinters. Touch up paint, if necessary, and check

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announcements, maintenance, safety, seasonal reminders

Swimming Pool Preparation

If your community has a swimming pool, please take a look at our Swimming Pool Checklist below, we want to make sure that you are on track to open your pool on schedule for Memorial Day Weekend! If you discover that you need to purchase any items related to opening your pool, please get approval from

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announcements, safety, seasonal reminders

Safety Reminder for Air Conditioners

As the weather warms up, our residents will begin inquiring about through-the-window air conditioners. These are permitted after May 1st through October 31st. Guidelines have been printed in the May issue of the Resident Newsletter to assist with policy communication. One very important guideline is that site staff are not authorized to install these units.

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announcements, seasonal reminders

Spring Flags Arriving Soon!

The Spring Flag order has been shipped from Elmer’s Flags and should arrive within a week! Please do not mis-match with the old flag versions. The new flags have magenta waves with orange and lime green polka dots. Please have your maintenance team switch your flags as soon as possible. To learn more about the marketing flags, including how to

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Smart Dollar – Cambridge Q4 Scorecard & Enrollment Link

For those of you interested in the SmartDollar program, enrolling is easy.  Just click the link below and create a user ID!    Access to this website and information has been paid for by Cambridge as a benefit to you. SmartDollar is a program that provides you access to easy to use videos, tutorials, tools, and

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