Required Postings

Please download and review the required postings for each subsidy associated with your property below and verify these items are posted in the office or in the community room. 

*If you are unable to post all the required documents due to space. Please purchase sheet protectors to place the documents in and hang them off pushpins on the community board.

Sample of sheet protectors: Office Depot Link 

TC Section 42 Addendum & Good Cause Forms Every Year

*A reminder to all Tax Credit properties*

Forms that need to be included in ALL Annual Recertifications:

  1. Tax Credit Lease Addendum (for LIHTC Section 42 Properties) – TenantTech form C169
  2. LIHTC Lease Rider/Good Cause Termination Notification – TenantTech form C404
  3. [HOME units only] HOME Addendum – TenantTech form C295

Click below to view instruction details:
Compliance TIP – TC Section 42 Addendum & Good Cause forms every year

How to fill out the Questionnaire Reminder

Please review the attached Questionnaires for California, Oregon, Idaho, and HUD/RD properties for “Examples & TIPS on how to fill out the Questionnaire”.  

We have highlighted key wording in the questionnaire to grab your attention when completing this form, with TIPS throughout

  • Confirm you have updated the phone number and email in the resident Yardi profile by clicking on the “personal Information” tab, click “edit” and updated the information, then click “save”.
  • Verify the resident phone number is being completed on pg1
  • If the answer is YES,= ALL fields in the questions must be answered, and additional verification will be required.


Weekly Payable Batch

Going forward we will be asking that these be entered into your weekly payable batch.

You will enter the invoice as follows:

  • Tcode of the resident receiving the bonus as the payee
  • Invoice # should be refer and the unit # for example  “refer unit 04”
  • Gl code is 6216
  • Please note the name of the resident being referred in the notes box

Also please remember that the following documents are required for a referral:

  • Referral fee payment request found on Tenant Tech
  • Rental application (perferably naming the person who referred them) and agreement of person being referred
  • Rental agreement of resident who is referring (person receiving the bonus)
  • W9 of person referring if not a resident

Please contact you Accountant if you have any questions.

Email Address Required

Two aspects to remember regarding acquiring an email address from an applicant:

  1. An email address is required for all applicants. Do not submit an application to the screening company without one.
    • If an applicant does not have an email address, let them know that one will have to be set up for the screening to be completed. 
      An alternative, if the applicant refuses to create one, would be for them to provide one that belongs to a trusted person who will pass on any necessary information.
  2. For all current and future residents, ensure the email address of the Head of Household (or the person who is rent-responsible) is entered into Yardi.
    • Check the Personal Info tab for the unit (you can do this at any time or during recertification – a good time to get an email if you don’t have one).
    • In order to add an email, click Edit, type in the email, then click Save.

Email Address Required