Reminder on Cell Phone Use, Time Keeping, and After-hours Calls

1. COMPLETE YOUR TIME SHEET DAILY. Cambridge strongly encourages that employees fill in their time on a daily basis to reflect your accurate hours worked.
2. Fill out the actual hours you work, Cambridge pays for all hours worked. Any work performed to benefit Cambridge should go on your time sheet.
4. An after-hours call is when employees leaves work for the day and is called back to take care of an emergency issue; or is called in on their day off.
6. NOTE YOUR AFTER-HOURS CALL CLEARLY ON YOUR TIME SHEET, not documenting your after-hours call will not pay you correctly.
7. Follow state specific Lunch and rest breaks-

California At least 30 minutes lunch break for working 5 hours or more. 15 minutes paid break for every 4 hours worked.
Idaho At least 30 minutes lunch break for working 6 hours or more. 15 minutes paid break for every 4 hours worked.
Oregon At least 30 minutes lunch break for working 6 hours or more. 15 minutes paid break for every 4 hours worked.
Washington At least 30 minutes lunch break for working 6 hours or more. 15 minutes paid break for every 4 hours worked.

8. Do not use your personal cell phone for work use unless pre-authorized by your supervisor.
9. Please do not contact any employee with work related issue after their shift has ended for the day unless it is an emergency.
10. Does not text/call employee’s personal cell phone after hours to discuss work, if it is not urgent then it can wait until tomorrow.
11. Managers, please do not discuss work related matters via text messages with other managers or your supervisor. Please use company email to communicate. Remember, text messages serve as a poor record for business purposes, and most phone services delete texts after a certain period of time.

July 4th Holiday and Holiday Pay

Thursday, July 4th is a Holiday! Except for a few special circumstances all offices, sites and support office will be closed in observance of the holiday.

As a reminder, if an employee’s regularly scheduled day off is Thursday, another day during the pay period should be taken as the holiday. Whether the holiday is taken on Thursday the 4th or another day, the holiday should be listed with the appropriate number of hours in the holiday column on the time record with no in or out time.

For those few sites that will be open on the holiday and therefore have staff working, please make sure to show the total of the hours worked and the holiday hours in the “Total Hours Pay Due” column to receive holiday pay in addition to hours worked. Otherwise payroll will assume that the holiday was taken and not noted on the time record. Contact your property supervisor if you are unsure as to whether your office will be closed.

Holiday Pay:
• Employees who work 20 or more hours per week are eligible for holiday pay after their first 30 days of employment.
• To receive holiday pay employee must work both the scheduled day prior and after a holiday; except if was pre-approved time off by the manager.
• If an employee was scheduled to work the day before or after and cannot work (except in an emergency situation) they will not receive holiday pay.

If you have any questions please email or call Jasmine Kwatra.

Long Sleeve Uniforms and Dress Code Reminder

With summer almost here and as we start enjoying the sun more, here is a quick reminder on Cambridge’s dress code policy:

Dress Policy

During business hours, employees are expected to present a clean and a neat appearance and to dress according to the requirements of their position. We maintain a business casual environment. All maintenance staff are required to wear company issued uniforms while on duty.

Body Art and Jewelry

Facial jewelry, such as eyebrow rings, nose rings, lip rings, large earlobe earrings and tongue studs are not professionally appropriate and must not be worn during business hours. Please limit earrings to no more than two in each ear.

Visible tattoos and similar body art MUST be covered during business hours and company sponsored events. Company sponsored events include any company paid work travel, social events, meetings and trainings. Exceptions regarding visible tattoos and body art may be made at company functions held at water-theme parks so long as published park guidelines are respected.

In response to requests for long-sleeve maintenance uniform shirts, we now have available oatmeal-colored, long-sleeve shirts at this time.  Please e-mail Kelsey Schneider at  if you would like to order any for your staff(include employee name and size). The shirts are $14/ea. and will be re-billed to your property. The shirt order needs to be in by June 19th.

long sleeve uniform

Have any questions? Contact Kelsey Schneider!
Thank you!

Move-Out Packet Distribution

Move-outs will result in either 1) the resident owing the property a balance or 2) the resident will be due a refund of their deposit. (RD subsidy is the only exception to this).

1. If a resident OWES a balance, the Resident copy of the SODA is mailed directly from the site office to the Resident. All other paperwork is placed in a Move-Out Envelope and mailed to the Site Employee Resource Center.
2. If the resident is due a REFUND, all of the paperwork should be placed in a Move-Out Envelope and mailed to the Site Employee Resource Center so that a check can be written immediately.

Please remember to be timely. There are laws in place that limit the time given for a refund to be disbursed.  To learn more about assembling a move-out packet, click here.

Petty Cash submittal

Please send petty cash in at least once per month, and/or if you are down to ½ of your petty cash balance. This will avoid those strapped for cash moments that managers find themselves in sometimes. Also, please be sure to enter and code the items in it with your BCL as if it’s just another invoice.

For more information on petty cash, please click this link.

Powersite and BCL Transfer e-mails

Just a friendly reminder to e-mail your powersite and BCL transfers to

Due dates:
Powersite- Tuesday’s at 5:00pm
BCL’s- Thursday’s at 5:00pm

What to include in the e-mail?
In the subject line of the e-mail, please include the:
• Property Code
• What type of transfer (powersite OR BCL)
• Date of transfer (the applicable Tues or Thurs)
Example: “OR 151 Weekly Powersite Transfer 4/30/2013”

In the body of the e-mail message, please include:
• $ Amount of transfer
• Attachments

The operations calendar at this link has all the transfer dates for your reference.
Please refer to the calendar often to ensure you hit important operational deadlines. Many site managers print the calendar and keep it posted near their desk throughout the month.

Spring Flags are shipping today

The Spring Flag order is being shipped from Elmer’s Flags today, and should arrive within a week! These are the pink flags with blue and yellow polka dots. Please have your maintenance team switch your flags as soon as possible. To learn more about the marketing flags, including how to install them click here. Any questions or concerns, contact Kelsey Schneider.

*Please disregard if your property does not have flags