2025 Minimum Wage


California and Idaho have set their minimum wage amounts that take effect 1/1/2025. See below and take note of current rates within your state. Oregon’s Minimum Wage is typically addressed in June. Let us know if you have any questions regarding the minimum wage in your state. Reminder that the Compliance Team is available by email or phone for any questions about any of the TIPS being sent to you weekly.

TC Section 42 Addendum

*A reminder to all Tax Credit properties*

Regarding the Tax Credit Lease Addendum (LIHTC Section 42 Properties) form (C169):

What you need to know:

-This is the document that allows us to raise a unit’s rent to a higher set-aside if the household’s income increases.

-To be completed for every annual certification.

-ALL 3 PAGES SHOULD BE INCLUDED – PAGES 1 & 3 SIGNED – by both resident(s) and manager in the completed file.

 Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the forms.

How to complete the Unemployed / Zero Income, Oregon Income Status Certification & Zero Income Checklist

How to fill out the “Unemployed / Zero Income Form” , and “Zero Income Checklist”,. Attached are example forms for California, Idaho /HUD/RD and Oregon. 

The “Income status Certification” – Oregon Tax Credit Only. 

These forms are used when an applicant or resident does not have earned income (Social Security, VA, Retirement, No Income, ect”).  

TIP to take away- If the answer is YES,  supporting documentation is required.

2025 COLA Adjustment Announced – 2.5%

The 2025 Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) was announced yesterday at an increase of 2.5%. This adjustment needs to be applied to all recertifications that have not been completed and sent to compliance. *If you have already completed October, November, December, and January recerts and they have been approved and sealed, we do not need to go back and adjust those.

File and Email Labels

FILES: MI/AR/IR certification is considered UNREVIEWABLE if not placed in correct file order.  In order for auditors/compliance to review and send approval results in a timely manner, files need to read like a book. Please refer to Tax Credit/HUD/RD transmittal sheet (located in Tenant Tech) for correct file order when submitting to compliance.

FILE/EMAIL LABELS: To ensure files will be reviewed in a timely manner.
Label files as such—
Examples of file name AND email subject lines:
Property Name – 201 – 9-1-2024 – AR – Banks – (for Annual Recerts)
Property Name – 201 – 9-1-2024 – IR – Banks – (for Interim Recerts – HUD ONLY)
Property Name – 201 – 9-1-2024 – MI – Banks – (for Move-Ins)
The date should be the certification effective date.


When and How to use the “True and Correct As of (Date)” Statement

Today’s TIP is when to use the “True and Correct as of <Date>” Statement.

When paperwork is being signed & dated after the “due date, it must include the statement “True & Correct as of <certification effective date>”.

Use this below procedure unless otherwise guided by Compliance or your Supervisor:

  1. Documents should be signed and dated with the current date
  2. Under that signature write the statement “True & Correct as of <effective date>”
  3. The person then must Initial the “True & Correct Statement”
  • Example – A Certification is due on 8/1/2024. The resident is unable to sign it until 8/8/2024.
    • The resident signs and dates 8/8/2024, then under that signature writes “True & Correct as of 8/1/2024” and initials.

Required Postings

Please download and review the required postings for each subsidy associated with your property below and verify these items are posted in the office or in the community room. 

*If you are unable to post all the required documents due to space. Please purchase sheet protectors to place the documents in and hang them off pushpins on the community board.

Sample of sheet protectors: Office Depot Link 

TC Section 42 Addendum & Good Cause Forms Every Year

*A reminder to all Tax Credit properties*

Forms that need to be included in ALL Annual Recertifications:

  1. Tax Credit Lease Addendum (for LIHTC Section 42 Properties) – TenantTech form C169
  2. LIHTC Lease Rider/Good Cause Termination Notification – TenantTech form C404
  3. [HOME units only] HOME Addendum – TenantTech form C295

Click below to view instruction details:
Compliance TIP – TC Section 42 Addendum & Good Cause forms every year