2016 MOR Guidelines

As you are aware, HUD reestablished the MOR Reviews in 2016.  A few of our HUD properties have gone through them now, and we learned a lot through the process! 

Please see the attached 2016 MOR Guidance  bullet points for a summary of the changes that were implemented, as well as information learned.

Questions? Please contact the Compliance Team.

Go Stop Yield

As part of our Compliance training at Symposium 2017, we played the Go Stop Yield game.  Please use this attachment as a refresher, or a training tool for new employees.  The game is full of Eligibility and Program rules for all 3 programs.  Become an expert! If you have any questions, please contact our Compliance Department, they will be happy to help.


Yardi File Approval Process (Date Completed)

As a friendly reminder, when the Compliance Department sends a FAFF for a file – whether attached in Yardi or you have faxed it to the compliance fax line — we will add Date Completed to the approved file within one (1) business day. Typically, we would add the date completed within hours of the FAFF email being sent.

If you do not see that a FAFF’d certification has been removed from your Incomplete Certs list within one (1) business day, please send a note to compliance@cambridgeres.com.


As always, please feel free to contact the Compliance Department with any questions.

Kristin Strong

p: 503.450.0231


Social Security Award Letter Request to Distribute to Residents

It is that time of year again; please review, print and distribute the attached notice below to households with Social Security income on or before November 1, 2015. Although there is no COLA increase this year, it is important that current Social Security award letters are obtained for certifications (not to be dated more than 120 days prior to certification effective date).


Letter to Residents regarding Social Security 11.01.15


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Compliance Team.

Kristin Strong

p: 503.450.0231


Compliance Tip — Calculating Employment Income

As you know, for all properties in Oregon and California, there are three (3) calculations that you are required to do on the Income Worksheet for employment income:

  1. Per Employment Verification
  2. Per Highest Paystub
  3. Per YTD Annualized Income


1.For the first calculation (Per Employment Verification), simply take the hourly rate and number of hours worked from the Employment Verification and annualize. I have attached a sample Employment Verification which is used for the purpose of this calculation:

Regular                  $13.26 x 40 x 52 = $27,580.80

OT                         $19.89 x 2 x 52 = $2,068.56

Commissions          $150 x 4 = $600.00

Total                     $27,580.80 + $2,068.56 +         $600.00 = $30,249.36


2. For the second calculation (Per Highest Paystub), you will take the highest paystub and annualize UNLESS the highest paystub only occurred once in the last 3 months – if that is the case, use the second highest paystub. (Note: Idaho properties, you will only obtain the Employment Verification or paystubs, not both). Let’s assume the following:

Sarah Smith received the following total gross amounts from her employer and is paid bi-weekly:

5/24/13                $1,124.19

5/10/13                $1,089.76

4/26/13                $1,103.27

4/12/13                $1,071.43

3/29/13                $1,065.89

3/15/13                $1,092.11

3/01/13                $1,118.66

2/15/13                $1,087.32

Since Sarah earned over $1,100 three (3) times in the last three (3) months, we will actually use the highest amount to calculate income – in this case, $1124.19. Therefore:

$1124.19 x 26 = $29,228.94


3.For the third calculation (Per YTD Annualized Income), look at the gross YTD on the most current paystub OR the YTD on the Employment Verification – whichever is higher – then determine the number of weeks included in the YTD amount and annualize. For example, let’s assume the YTD amount on Sarah’s attached Employment Verification is higher than what is on her current paystub and use that amount ($12,487.19).

To calculate the number of weeks included in the above YTD amount (1/1/13 – 5/28/13 according to the attached), take the number of days in each month included in the YTD amount and divide by 7:

January                  31 days

February                28 days

March                     31 days

April                       30 days

May                       28 days (since the YTD amount on the EV indicates she was paid through 5/28/13)

Total                      148 days

148 days / 7 = 21.15 weeks

Therefore:  $12,487.19 / 21.15 weeks x 52 weeks = $30,701.32

After calculating all three (3) income calculations – with the exception of Idaho properties – reflect the most conservative on the Tenant Income Certification. In this case, $30,701.32.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Compliance Department.

Special Rules for First Term Move-Outs: Tax Credit & Rural Development ‘Combined Communities’

moving truckFor communities that have both Rural Development Funding and Low Income Housing Tax Credits, if the tenant moves out before the expiration of the initial one year lease we are to charge rent through the end of the lease. This allows us to stay in compliance with the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program which restricts transient use of the premises, though the concept of ‘continued responsibility’ beyond the move-out date does potentially run contrary to Rural Development’s policies on move-out rights of the occupant.

After the initial lease term, the resident of such a property can give notice-to-vacate at anytime and we must accept that notice without exception. Specifically, no lease buy-out fee can apply and the resident cannot be held beyond their 30 day notice.

If you have further questions please contact the compliance department.