Tenant Tech- updated forms

You can now access Tenant Tech and use the updated forms. A couple of Tenant Tech / form reminders:

  • Any time you see an Insert Default button when completing a form, you should always click it; this will auto-fill the field. You’ll need to double check information that auto-fills is correct and edit if needed (you can also contact Kristin (kstrong@cambridgeres.com) to edit this information in property settings).

Please refer to the MFNW Forms Training Manual distributed at the manager meeting and emailed to you as a guide, and to share with any staff that will be accessing and completing forms. We’ve also added sample completed forms for your reference in Forms & Docs à Uploaded Documents here:

  • Owner / Agent’s Designated Location for Attached Notices (i.e. where residents can pay rent) – page 1 (this is very important!)
  • Smoke Alarm Type – page 2
  • Carbon Monoxide Alarm Type – page 2

Lastly, for the Utilities section on page 2 of the Rental Agreement, always ensure the Resident box is checked for each utility, regardless if the Resident pays the utility or not:

Fall Into Action 2019

Fall is just around the corner, now is the time to review our Fall Into Action packet with your staff to start preparing for the changing season. Please review the attached 2019 packet which includes a maintenance checklist, maintenance uniform information, manager and maintenance log information, and more.

ADP Personal Information Update

With Cambridge’s upgrade to the ADP payroll system, employees are now able to update their own personal information.  To ensure that all employees information is up-to-date — including but not limited to Emergency Contact Information should this information ever be needed, please have each of your employees review their information and update anything that is out-of-date, missing or incorrect.   Accurate information is important for Cambridge to maintain and we are asking for each employee to support this objective by personally reviewing their own personal information.

If all of the personal information is correct no action is required.   If there are updates, please make those updates as soon as possible.

ADP Instructions for Employee to Update the Information
  1. Sign in.  Click on:  Myself > My Information > Profile
  2. Click: “View More” under Personal Information.  Review address, phone numbers and email address. Correct and add any missing information including your nickname in Preferred Name boxes.  Click Save.
  3. Emergency Contacts:  Review and update Emergency Contacts information as necessary.  To add Emergency Contact, Click: +Add and enter Name, Relationship, Phone Number(s).  Email and Address entries are optional.  Click Save.

Be sure to let Angela (acooper@cambridgeres.com) know if you have any questions.

Credit/Debit Card Instructions for Application Fees

Site managers,

Just to confirm, we DO accept credit and debit cards for application fees in Yardi. 

(However, please note, we do NOT accept credit cards for security deposits because credit card transactions hit the operating bank account, not the security deposit bank account.)

A brief summary of the process to accept a credit or debit card for an application fee is below and attached for your reference:

  1. Complete entering a new applicant’s information and be sure to charge the application fee in yardi
  2. Once the applications fee is charged, go to your payments dashboard  by clicking on “Roles” on top of the left menu, and then “Rent Café”

Once on the Payments Dashboard, select “Credit Card”  then “Credit Card – One Time” from the menu on the left.

  1. Once in that screen, enter your property, change the display type, and click the “payer” link. Select the applicant in the list.
  2. Then, click the “enter detail” button.

Note: If you have not charged an application fee, please stop here. You will need to charge an application fee before moving forward.

  1. Select the application fee charge and click “SAVE”.
  2. Your browser will take you to the credit card entry screen to enter the payment information.
  3. Once completed, print 2 copies of the payment receipt, one for the applicant and one for the applicant’s file.

As a reminder, once you are finished entering the payment, you’ll need to click back to “Roles” and then your manager role in order to get back to your normal view of yardi.

Please contact your regional manager if you have any questions about this process.


Letter from Hydropoint – Irrigation System – Upgrade

Some of you may have received a letter from Hydropoint or will soon receive one.

This letter was sent out to properties where they have a Hydropoint irrigation controller equipment. Hydropoint is the manufacture of the irrigation equipment and in this letter it states that it’s necessary to upgrade the irrigation controllers due to the technology has changed.

If you have received this letter it’s important that you contact your landscape maintenance contractor and your supervisor. As action will need to be taken care of by the landscape maintenance contractor.

Please let your supervisor know if you have any questions.

SCAM – Industrial Chem Labs Inc.

Please share this information with all onsite staff.  Industrial Chem Labs and Services Inc.  is NOT a vendor of Cambridge.

This unscrupulous company has been making calls to our site managers once again.  Their scam consists of calling and insisting on talking to a maintenance representative or manager and they insist their company is on our approved vendor list.  They will even at time reference Scott Busch’s name, or even your supervisors name.  Please do not fall for their trickery.

They are not on our vendor list, never have been, and never will be.  They will try to send out free samples of products, do not agree to anything, or give out any information they request.

If you receive a phone call from them, politely tell them we are not interested in their products, ask them to remove your phone number from their contact list and hang up the phone. 

If product is shipped to your site, refuse the delivery – do not sign for it.

Resident Appreciation Event 2019

A reminder to managers that we would like you to host a Resident Appreciation Event during the first few weeks of August.  We recognize that staff schedules may better allow a community event on a date of your choosing. Here are few ideas:

  • Wine and cheese mixer
  • Pool party
  • Family Social night
  • BBQ
  • Ice Cream Social
  • National Night Out (traditionally held on the first Tuesday in August)

It’s up to you! We ask that managers plan a community event within the first two weeks of August, send back a summary of that event on the form below RESIDENT APPRECIATION PLANNING 2019. Please see the letter and flyer attachments for managers to modify with their own messaging to residents.  I will be following up with you later in August so that your event photos and summary are included in our Exchange newsletter.

Requested on this form:

Property Name:

Event Date:

Time: (example: 5-7pm)

Theme: (example: Meet and Greet, Ice Cream Social, BBQ, National Night Out)

Food / Drinks: (example: snacks and soda, grilled hot dogs, ice cream)

If participating in National Night Out, which local authorities will be contacted: (example: Local Police, Local Fire)

Please return completed EVENT form to turton@cambridgeres.com by August 1st.