ADP Time Keeping

As we fully transition to ADP’s on-line time keeping module, a new responsibility will be assigned to all sites managers.  This responsibility involves SITE MANAGERS REVIEWING HOURS POSTED for those employees working at your property or properties.

The review of reported work hours is uncomplicated and it is essential.   To help you understand this responsibility, today we are introducing two brief, on-line training courses.  These courses provide you an overview of the Time Keeping approval process.

We ask that you take a few minutes to participate in the on-line training referenced below to build your knowledge of the internal review process included in the ADP-based time keeping system.

Required Trainings

  •  Course Title:                            ADP Workforce Now:   Time Off for Managers and Supervisors (1)
  • Course Title:                            Approving All Employees’ Timecards
  1. Note:  The title Supervisor as defined by ADP references any employee designated to review and approve the hours worked of another employee. Therefore, all site managers are considered SUPERVISORS for purposes of ADP time keeping procedures.

These trainings are required for Property Managers to provide insight and knowledge necessary to assist other site-based employees.    Each course has an expected training time commitment of less than 10 minutes.


To find the two training courses referenced above:


  • Click: “Support”                                             Top right corner of your dashboard screen
  • Enter:   Course Title                                        In the white search box; Click Magnifying Glass
  • Click: “Learning”                                            In the middle blue ribbon
  • Select: Course Title                                        To begin video


 Important Dates to Remember


3/16/19 First live time recording with ADP begins; Discontinue Kronos Time Keeping



First Paycheck Produced Using ADP Processing


Please contact if you have any questions.

Daisha Sorensen

Human Resources

It’s time to get financially fit!

We all know that physical fitness is important to our overall well-being, but when was the last time you thought about your financial well-being? Are you as financially fit as you could be?

Do you ever stress over bills? Do you ever wonder how you would pay for an emergency? Is your retirement on track? How would it feel to be confident that you are on track with your money and truly financially fit?

We care about your overall well-being and are pleased to be partnering with SmartDollar, an online financial wellness program from Dave Ramsey. SmartDollar provides the tools and education to help you take control of your money once and for all.

We believe in this program so much that we are providing it FREE for you and your family!

What Is SmartDollar?

SmartDollar is a step-by-step approach to handling money taught by the number-one authority in personal finance, Dave Ramsey. More than 2.5 million families have started Dave’s plan and taken control of their money, and you can too! SmartDollar will equip you to get out of debt, on a budget and on your way to a strong financial foundation.

The average family pays off $3,300 in debt and saves $5,000 in the first six months!

You’ll Learn How To…           

  • Jump-Start Your Money
  • Knock Out Debt
  • Retire in Style
  • Do College Debt Free
  • Demystify Your Credit Score

You can make a change. Eliminate debt, invest for the future, and get on track for an amazing retirement!

SmartDollar Maximize Your Money

There’s no time like right now! Sign up today!

Spring Into Action 2019


Hello Managers,

Please see the attached 2019 Spring Into Action  packet for more information on community clean up dates, the spring maintenance checklist, flag and uniform ordering, safety and wellness updates and much more! If you have specific questions regarding the your property’s community clean up, please contact your supervisor.

Happy Spring Cleaning!

Spring Community Clean-Up!

Please find the below information for the 2019 Community Spring Clean-up that will be hosted at all communities between April 11th– April 16th.

Refer to the flyer titled “community cleanup manager flyer” for details, and you may use the other flyers below for communication with your residents.

Management staff should place the order for their drop box(es) this week and begin to communicate to residents.

Please let us know if you have any questions and Happy Spring Cleaning!

community cleanup- manager flyer

Dumpster flyer (english)

Dumpster flyer (spanish)

Dress Policy

Dress Policy

During business hours, employees are expected to present a clean and neat appearance and to dress according to the requirements of their positions. Part of the impression you make on others depends on your choice of dress, personal hygiene and courteous behavior. A daily regimen of good grooming and hygiene is expected of everyone. While at work, you are required to wear clean, appropriate clothing and shoes. Consult your supervisor or Human Resources if you have questions.

Our clients’ and residents’ satisfaction represents the most important and challenging aspect of our business. Whether or not your job responsibilities place you in direct owner and resident contact, you represent the company with your appearance as well as your actions. The properly-attired individual helps to create a favorable image for the company, to the public and fellow employees.

The company maintains a business casual environment. All maintenance staff are required to wear company issued uniforms while on duty.

Dress Policy

Holiday Decorations

As we approach the final week of January 2019, the recent holiday season recedes further and further back in our rear view mirror.

As a general reminder, exterior holiday decorations may be installed 21 days before a holiday and must be removed within 10 days after the holiday.  In no case may decorations remain in place for more than 32 consecutive days.

Please walk your property and make note of any households that may need a reminder in this regard and follow up with each household accordingly.

Compliance Update 2019: Wage and COLA changes


Happy Holidays!  Join us in welcoming Rebekah Lopez to the Compliance Department!

A few things to remember coming into the new year:

Cost of Living Adjustments

  • Social Security had a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) effective January 1, 2019 of 2.8%

 Minimum Wage Increases

  • 2019 California Minimum Wage is $12.00 – Effective January 1, 2019


  • 2019 Oregon Minimum Wage – Effective July 1, 2019 – Please see the attached map to determine your area.
    • Standard $11.25
    • Portland Metro $12.50
    • Nonurban Counties $11.00
  • 2019 Idaho Minimum Wage is $7.25 – No Change

Happy Calculations!  As always we can help with any proration’s that might be needed.

Oregon Minimum Wage Changes 2019

Christey Simkins


Cambridge Real Estate Services

PO Box 2968 | Portland, Oregon 97208

Direct:  503-450-0231

Fax:  503-450-0241


Newly Revised Spec Sheet

Attached you’ll find two documents, one is the long overdue, our newly revised spec sheet! There are plenty of newly updated parts and numbers, so please familiarize yourself with the sheet. Please make sure to delete electronic copies of any spec sheet other than the one revised in November of 2018, as well as throwing out any paper copies. This revision replaces all previous versions.

The other document included in this email is an introduction to the spec sheet, which will help familiarize you with the spec sheet itself.

And, as always, a copy of the spec sheet can be found on Cambridge’s Exchange.

Thank you, and please let me know if you have any questions.

CRES Spec Sheet Revised December 2018

Scott Busch

Telephone: 503.919.1670

Facsimile: 503.450.0241