Recording Hours Worked for Symposium Attendees

Site managers –

If you or any other staff members from your property attended symposium last week, please ensure that time records are accurate for the hours spent attending training.

As a general guideline,

  • All hours spent in training, including meals where training materials are being presented, would be considered hours worked.
  • Time spent at strictly social events, social meals, or on your own time would not be entered as work hours.
  • Employees travelling during normal work hours AND outside their normal commuting area will be paid for their travel time.

The symposium training hours for Tuesday (if applicable), Wednesday and Thursday were as follows:

  • Tuesday, Feb 6th (affordable housing & maintenance only):  1:30pm – 5:00pm
  • Wednesday, Feb 7th:  7:30am – 5:30pm
  • Thursday, Feb 8th:  8:00am – 4:15pm

*No lunch time break should be entered on Tuesday (if applicable), Wednesday, or Thursday, since those lunches included training.

*If you worked hours in addition to those hours spent at the symposium on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, please add those into your time record in addition to the hours listed above.

If you traveled to symposium from out of town, please record your travel time as work hours.

  • For example, work hours for Friday, Feb 9th would begin at the time you departed the hotel in Portland and would end when you reach your personal destination.
  • If you performed any additional work duties before or after your travel time, you would add those hours onto your time record as well.

Please contact Angela Cooper, Hope Vance or Lisa Holtz if you have any questions or concerns regarding how to record your hours for the days that you attended symposium.

Cold Weather Preparedness

Hello Managers,

As we’ve been experiencing some cold weather in many of the areas in which we have properties, it’s time to take a few minutes to review our policies and practices for cold weather preparedness. As with so many things in life, and ounce of prevention is worth a pound of medicine. Or is that a ton of cure? Either way, preparing for cold weather is much more effective than responding to an emergency situation caused by the cold.

So, without further ado, let’s talk about preparing for cold weather.

To begin, please remember that our position is that we do not use ice melt products of any kind. As effective as they can be at melting ice, this is one of those instances in which we believe the cons outweigh the pros. These products can be damaging to sidewalks, surrounding vegetation, the environment, and carpeting, when it’s tracked inside a unit. Although many manufacturers claim that their products are safe to use, both for the sidewalk itself and for the environment, when pressed, we have not been able to get a manufacturer to put that claim in the form of a written guarantee.

So, what do we do instead?

Well, since we feel it is in the best interest of our properties, all sites are asked to use sand and/or pea gravel and physical snow removal as the primary and only means of combating icy and snowy sidewalks and stairwells. Now that the weather has turned colder in most areas, you should all make sure you’re properly stocked with sand and gravel. Bags can be purchased at your local Home Depot, and your property’s landscaper or snow removal company can often times deliver a larger amount of sand if you need more than a few bags. If you have the means to store a supply of sand or pea gravel in several locations around your property, it is always helpful to do so, as this way you’re not dragging heavy buckets of sand from one area to the next. Many sites use a standard Rubbermaid 32 gallon garbage can stored in an inconspicuous location to store the sand until it is needed.

As most of us are aware, freezing temperatures wreak havoc on plumbing systems. One of the unique properties of water is that it is one of the rare substances that actually expands as it freezes. This means the pipes that supply water to each of the fixtures in our buildings are at risk of becoming cold enough that the water inside will freeze. When this happens, the pressure of the water expanding inside the pipe can have enough strength to actually burst it open.  When the temperature warms up a bit, the frozen water thaws, causing water to gush out of the burst part of the pipe. Pipes that run along exterior walls are most vulnerable, but remember, often pipes run in the attic and under the building, too. As much as we try to prevent burst pipes, it happens every year at one or more of our properties. Fortunately, there are things each of us can do to help prevent this.

Install styrofoam covers over your hose bibbs. These are available at your local Home Depot, and are an inexpensive way to help insure against frozen pipes. It’s recommended to install these on every hose bibb, even those that are frost free.

Also, make sure all of your foundation vents are covered. Some have little flaps that you can close, others need to be covered with styrofoam inserts. Both the prefabricated inserts and sheets of styrofoam that can be cut to size can be purchased at your nearest Home Depot.

Turn up the heat in vacant units, not too high, but not below 55 degrees. Open up the cabinets under the kitchen and bath sinks. If the temperatures gets below freezing, leaving both the hot and cold water running at a trickle can help keep the pipes from freezing.

Deliver “Freeze Warning” notices to each of your residents to help them understand what they can do to prevent freezing pipes in their units. This, in turn, will help reduce the chance of frozen pipes.

For those of you with pools, please make sure your pool pump is circulating 24 hours per day. When water is circulating in the system, it greatly reduces the chances of the water freezing. During the coldest weather, turning on your pool heater to it’s lowest setting will also keep the pipes from freezing. Please remember to turn the heater back off when temperatures rise back to normal.

Please make sure your shops are stocked with extra heaters, thermostats, and parts to repair heaters. If a resident reports an issue with the heat in their unit, it is considered a priority during cold weather. Make sure to address any report of a heater not working on a same day basis. It’s also a good idea to have a small quantity of radiant heaters, which are available at The Home Depot, to put in a unit that has a heating problem that cannot be fixed immediately.

Make sure all on call maintenance personnel are mindful of the potential of this type of situation, and if you do suffer a no heat call or a frozen pipe, act immediately. A burst pipe can put forth water at an alarming rate, so be prepared to handle the emergency. Make sure your site has extra plumbing parts on hand, and keep the number for a plumber nearby, as well as a carpet extractor, in case they’re needed.

And, last but not least, be careful. Slips and falls on ice are a very real danger. We have coworkers that are injured every year by falling on the ice and snow, and we want to make sure to minimize the chance of this happening. So, be mindful of your step when you’re outside during snowy or icy weather. It sound cliché, but our employees are truly Cambridge’s most important asset, and we don’t want anyone to get hurt. So, please be careful out there.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Scott Busch at

Seasonal Decorations

Hello Managers,

As you begin to decorate your communities or plan any holiday related celebrations or acknowledgments in the coming months, please keep in mind that we have very diverse communities.

Our residents appreciate and value the feeling of community that holiday celebrations and décor can create.  While we don’t want to hinder the spirit of the season, we do ask that all of you be very thoughtful in your decorations, holiday cards you may send out, any celebrations you hold, etc.

In our continuing effort to keep our communities a welcome and inviting place for all, please be sure to celebrate the holiday season as opposed to any one particular holiday, keeping decorations, parties, gifts and greetings applicable to everyone and religion-neutral.

Please contact your supervisor with any questions.

Save the Date for the 2018 Cambridge Symposium!

Cambridge Real Estate Services recognizes the importance of providing continuing education for its employees. We are just now three months away from Symposium 2018! We will be sending you detailed information on the run of events and travel very soon.

Mark these dates on your calendar!

Symposium 2018:

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018 —Affordable Housing Training at Bridgeport Brew Pub (only affordable properties should attend)

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 —Training at Oregon Convention Center + Employee Recognition (all properties)

Thursday, February 8th, 2018 — Training at Oregon Convention Center (all properties)

Please see the attached “Save The Date” flyer for more detailed information.

Kronos Entries


Please be sure that you are entering your time worked into Kronos on a regular and consistent basis.  This is an essential record keeping responsibility that must be given greater priority in your day-to-day activity.

You should enter your time into Kronos at the beginning of your day, when you leave for meal break, return from your meal break and when you leave for the day.   By developing this habit, the idea of tracking time should become almost second nature both for you and for each of your fellow employees at your site.

Inaccurate reporting — or delayed reporting, results in payroll processing errors and a burdensome reliance on memories of events which occurred often several days in the past.

Please acknowledge this important record keeping requirement by committing to on-going, timely and accurate reporting of all hours worked.

SmartDollar “Stuck In A Money Rut” Campaign

Hello Managers,

Times of transition are the perfect opportunity to help build better money habits! Take advantage of the changing season to re-engage with your finances.  Check out Smartdollar’s Stuck In A Money Rut? Campaign. Easy online access to videos, budgeting tools, and answers to your personal finance questions.

 Don’t have an account yet? What are you waiting for? Sign up for free here:



Air Conditioner Removal

Hello Managers,

As cooler weather creeps our way, please keep the following in mind:

  • All window air conditioners must be removed by October 31st.
  • Residents are responsible for the proper storage of their air conditioning unit.
  • Please make sure that residents make arrangements remove all plexiglass and caulking that may have been used during the installation of the unit.
  • Air conditioning units may be re‐installed after May 1st.

Please contact your supervisor with any other questions or concerns regarding the removal and storage of air conditioning units.

National Save for Retirement Week

Hello Managers,

October 16-22 is National Save for Retirement Week

It’s never too late to make a change! SmartDollar will teach you how to take control of your money once and for all. Start telling your money where to go and stop wondering where it went!

Learn how to find the cash you need to retire with dignity. For helpful hints and more information on ways to make the most of your retirement dollars, log in to your SmartDollar account and watch a video lesson on retirement at

Don’t have an account yet? What are you waiting for? Sign up for free at:

Please remember to share the website link and flyer for SmartDollar with your entire team.  This benefit is available for all employees — part-time or full-time!

Fall Into Action 2017

Hello Managers,

Fall is just around the corner, so now is the time to review this information with your staff and start getting prepared for the changing season. Please review our 2017 Fall Into Action  packet containing updated maintenance checklist for fall, mold remediation information, manager log, fall maintenance uniform information sheet, safety newsletter, human resources flyers and updated Grace Hill training information, updated fax cover sheet, and updated SERC employee reference sheet. It’s time to start preparing for fall!