Swimming Pool Preparation

If your community has a swimming pool, please take a look at our Swimming Pool Checklist below, we want to make sure that you are on track to open your pool on schedule for Memorial Day Weekend! If you discover that you need to purchase any items related to opening your pool, please get approval from your supervisor.


  • Do you have all appropriate safety signs?
  • Do you have all appropriate safety equipment (life rings, the “hook”, etc.)?
  • Does your pool gate automatically close and latch securely?
  • Can you lock your pool gate each evening with an efficient lock and chain or similar arrangement?
  • Do you have a functioning filter?
  • Do you have a functioning “Kreepy Krauly” or other type of automatic suction cleaner?
  • Is your pool furniture in good shape?
  • Are your pool chemicals stocked?

Office Posting

Please print and hang the below flyer by your employment law posters. Let Daisha (dsorensen@cambridgeres.com) know if you have any questions.

Thank you!


Safety Reminder for Air Conditioners

As the weather warms up, our residents will begin inquiring about through-the-window air conditioners. These are permitted after May 1st through October 31st. Guidelines have been printed in the May issue of the Resident Newsletter to assist with policy communication.

One very important guideline is that site staff are not authorized to install these units. Residents must have an independent contractor install their air conditioner according to the published guidelines, and at their own expense. They should also consult with management prior to installation.

Guidelines for installation and use:

  • Residents should use clear Plexiglass panels and clear caulking.
  • A/C window units must not exceed 120 volts.
  • A/C units must use existing house wiring.
  • A/C units must be properly installed and in good working order.

Please see “Air Conditioner Policy” (form C395) in Tenant Tech in case you would like to further communicate with your residents.


Office Closure: Memorial Day

Reminder that all offices will be closed on Monday, May 29th 2017 in observance of Memorial Day. This office closure is mentioned on the front page of the May Resident Newsletter to help communicate with residents and avoid any confusion. Please make sure your residents are aware that the site management office will be closed that day.

Spring Flags Arriving Soon!

The Spring Flag order has been shipped from Elmer’s Flags and should arrive within a week! Please do not mis-match with the old flag versions. The new flags have magenta waves with orange and lime green polka dots. Please have your maintenance team switch your flags as soon as possible. To learn more about the marketing flags, including how to install them click here. Enjoy!

*Please disregard if your property does not have flags

Any questions or concerns?

Please feel free to contact Miranda Baker

Smart Dollar – Cambridge Q4 Scorecard & Enrollment Link

For those of you interested in the SmartDollar program, enrolling is easy.  Just click the link below and create a user ID!    Access to this website and information has been paid for by Cambridge as a benefit to you.

SmartDollar is a program that provides you access to easy to use videos, tutorials, tools, and information about managing your personal finances, creating a personal budget, saving for retirement and more.  It promotes a simple step by step approach.

For your reference, I have also attached the Cambridge Q4 ‘scorecard’ from SmartDollar.  This is our company “progress report” which SmartDollar provides to us on a quarterly basis.   It provides a snapshot of employee participation rates and basic information. This is the only information we receive from SmartDollar and we will continue to share this scorecard with employees, so you have the benefit of the same information.

The link to create a user ID is here:


Please remember to share the website link for smart dollar with your entire team.  This benefit is available for all employees — part-time or full-time!


Safety Climate Survey

Below are links to a safety climate survey.

We’d appreciate as many employees participating in this survey as possible.  We are trying to get a baseline understanding of how our employees feel we are doing with respect to safety training and communications.  The results of this survey will help to guide us on how to improve our company wide safe work practices during the coming year.   As such, we appreciate your candid feedback, and please note that the survey is anonymous.

It is important that your maintenance team members take the survey, so please allow them a few minutes at the site management office computer to participate during regularly scheduled work hours sometime during the next two weeks.

If clicking on the link(s) below does not automatically direct you to the survey, you can also copy and paste the link into your web browser.

Thank you in advance for your help and participation.

Live Links:

English:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CambridgeRealEstateSvcs_SafetyClimateSurvey-English-Live

Spanish:  https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/CambridgeRealEstateSvcs_SafetyClimateSurvey-Spanish-Live



Recording Hours Worked

Site managers, please share this email with all employees who work at your property.  This policy applies to every employee that works for Cambridge.

I cannot express enough the importance of recording all of your time worked, and recording it accurately.  Per company policy, all hours worked must be recorded and paid.

Withholding hours puts your property at risk, the company at risk, and anyone involved in withholding hours could be subject to disciplinary action.

Exceptions will not be made in regards to this policy, we appreciate your cooperation.


  • Even if you work hours that are not approved, these hours still need to be recorded on your time sheet and must be paid to you.
  • Every moment that is spent performing work related to Cambridge must be recorded on your time sheet accurately, please no exceptions.
  • A minimum of 15 minutes will be paid for any work-related duties that take less than 15 minutes, please record your time accordingly.
  • For maintenance employees, after-hours calls will be paid at a minimum of 2 hours for each event, drive time and mileage are included for this type of situation.  Only record the actual hours worked, you will receive pay for 2 hours minimum.
  • No employee and/or manager should be using anyone else’s Kronos login and/or password information.  These logins are for the owner of the time sheet only.
  • Employees cannot “volunteer” or allow anyone else to volunteer to work additional hours to perform their duties, all hours must be paid.  (Volunteers are only allowed at non-profit organizations.)
  • Read your time sheet acknowledgement and make sure you agree before submitting your time sheet for approval.
  • Examples of duties that need to be recorded on your time sheet are (this does not include every possible situation):
    • Opening, closing, or locking up common areas, pool areas, laundry rooms, or any other on-site areas that may only take a few minutes each time.
    • Having a resident approach you off-site (such as grocery store) and asking you a resident-related question.
    • Checking your email on your day off or during hours you are not scheduled to work.
    • Stopping by the office to collect rent checks on a sick day.
    • Texting or receiving a work-related text from a co-worker at any time, including your day off.  Please avoid using your personal cell phone for company use.
    • A resident knocks on your door or calls you at home and you engage in a work-related conversation with them when you are not scheduled to be working.  We encourage managers to stick to their posted office hours to avoid this type of interaction when possible.
  • Communicate – if you find yourself consistently working more or less hours than your EU, contact your Portfolio Supervisor to discuss other arrangements.   All hours worked over your EU amount will be paid when recorded accurately.

Any known violations of this policy should be reported to Human Resources without delay.

Thank you again for your cooperation!  Let’s all do our part to stay in compliance with federal and state labor laws, go team!

Spring Community Clean-Up!

Please find below the information for the 2017 Community Spring Clean-up that will be hosted at all communities between March 30th- April 4th.

Please refer to the below flyer titled “community cleanup info” for details, and you may use the other flyers for communication with your residents.

Management staff should place the order for their drop box(es) this week and begin to communicate to residents.

Please let your property supervisor know if you have any questions and Happy Spring Cleaning!

community cleanup info

Dumpster flyer (english)

Dumpster flyer (spanish)