Grace Hill Training
Grace Hill Training
We wish to recognized those who remain diligent with Grace Hill Training objectives, and to communicate for everyone the parameters for this form of continuing education.
Recall that the priority training assignments include:
For All New Hires – Within 2 Days of Hire
- Fair Housing or Fair Housing for Maintenance
- Sexual Harassment or Sexual Harassment for Supervisors
For All Employees – Including But Not Limited To New Hires
On A Quarterly Basis
- 2 Electives*
- Fair Housing II
- Sexual Harassment or Sexual Harassment for Supervisors
*Electives can be anything you are interested in that relates to your current job, potential promotional opportunities, improvement of skills or safety. You can find the complete list of elective classes on Grace Hill in My Library > Online Courses.
If you choose to take safety classes, your name will be entered into a drawing to win one of three $100 gift cards, per quarter. The safety classes can also be taken in conjunction with the monthly safety training which is assigned to all sites.
The deadline for completing First Quarter 2018 training is Saturday, March 31, 2018.
Remember that completion of Grace Hill Training is a criteria for maximizing NOI bonuses which may be earned.
To All Site Managers: Thank you for ensuring each of your fellow site employees receive a copy of this and are given adequate opportunity to complete their training by the due date.
Self Employment Verification Form Update
Hello Managers,
Please see the new attached Self Employment Income Verification form. This form will be required for any adult household member that lives on an affordable property (Tax-Credit, RD, & HUD) and claims self-employment as an income source.
Please read through this form in its entirety as it will guide you and your resident/applicant as to what documentation will be needed for the self-employment.
As always, feel free to contact the Compliance Department staff with any questions.
Fairness and Consistency in Rule Enforcement
When children are out of the school in the summer months, they may be occupying the community grounds and common areas more frequently. Often times, complaints from residents may increase during the summer months regarding noisy or unsupervised children. We need to remember to always be fair and consistent when dealing with any resident. Although it may seem natural to implement rules to try to control conduct, it is illegal for apartments to have rules which prohibit children from playing outside, riding bikes, playing with toys, laughing, screaming or having fun.
The only time that an apartment community can make rules specifically for children is if there is a potential danger, and the rule isn’t too broad. For example, it would be okay for an apartment to have a rule that says “No Children Under 5 Years of Age in the Pool without a Parent”. This rule is reasonable and protects the child. However, it would be illegal if the rule were “No Children Under 17 Years of Age in the Pool Without an Adult”. This rule is much too broad, as some children under 17 might not need assistance.
Safety issues can arise when children are playing or riding their bikes in the parking lot or on pathways. It is illegal to post a sign specifically prohibiting children from riding bikes in the parking lot, but you can ask that all resident refrain from that activity.
Please remember that no matter how the rule is phrased, consistency in rule enforcement is important. Please contact your supervisor if you have questions.
Fair Housing Checklist
All sites are responsible for implementing and adhering to Fair Housing Policies. Cambridge is dedicated to promoting and providing Equal Housing Opportunities. Do not hesitate to ask your Supervisor any questions in regard to Fair Housing.
Fair Housing Checklist:
- A current copy of the Criteria for Residency is neatly framed and displayed in a conspicuous place visible to all prospective applicants. (Check date on bottom left corner, and confirm that it is the most current version).
- Neatly framed Fair Housing posters, in English and Spanish, are posted in the same area as the Criteria for Residency.
- Application packets consisting of an application with the Criteria for Residency and a property business card stapled to the top are provided to each individual applicant.
- All print advertising contains a HUD Equal Housing logo and “Cambridge Real Estate Services”.
- The Guest Card is used for each interested caller or visitor. Guest Cards must be retained for two years in order to comply with Fair Housing. The consistent use of the Guest Card demonstrates that Cambridge uses the same set of qualifying questions for each prospective renter.
- Community rules do not target children, unless specifically mandated by local or state heath departments (i.e pool/spa rules, fitness center rules).
- Handicapped parking spaces are clearly marked and in compliance with local regulations.
- Waiving late fees for some residents, but not others. Waiving late fees is one of the easiest ways to create a Fair Housing issue.
REQUIRED – Grace Hill Training
Part of our employment requirement/ongoing training includes online classes through Grace Hill. Those classes are “Sexual Harassment” and “Fair Housing I & II” These three must be completed annually. If you or your staff have not completed these training’s within the last year, please do so. The attached packet includes instructions on where and how to take the training’s. For continuing training, everyone at the site must take an additional 5 courses throughout the year (2 courses per quarter). You can choose from the entire course list for those additional 5.
We will need each site staff to complete the minimum required classes AND one additional by June 15th, 2016. If you have completed these within the last calendar year, you will not need to take them again.
Note: There are different courses if you are a manager/assistant manager or if you are maintenance and other site staff as well as if you are in CA or not.
Summed up:
- All site staff must complete a minimum of 8 classes per year and 2 classes per quarter.
- All site staff must complete Fair Housing I and II and Preventing Sexual Harassment each year.
- Each site employee has the freedom to select 5 additional classes from the course list included with this letter based on their own individual interests.
- By June 15th, you must complete the required 3 courses and one additional course.
If you have additional questions, please let either Brian ( or Jasmine ( know.
Fair Housing Training in the Boise Area
Save the Date: Friday, May 3rd
Spectrum Seminars will be hosting Fair Housing Training in the Boise area
All Boise area employees will be invited to attend and employees from other states may be invited to travel… budget permitting
Be on the lookout for more information coming soon!
Keeping Holiday Celebrations Religion-Neutral
This holiday season is a joyous time for people of many different cultures. Many families and friends will reconnect and share celebrations together. Because resident’s religions are often diverse, it’s hard to know about every holiday that may be celebrated. One way to avoid fair housing trouble during the holiday season is to celebrate the season, and not a particular holiday. Keep any common area decorations put up by management, community sponsored parties, gifts and greetings religion-neutral.