Suspect Materials Guide
This helpful guide includes an Operation and Maintenance Plan for Mold and Mildew, Asbestos and Lead-based Paint. Click Here to Download.
Vendor Packet: Accessibility to Site Managers
Vendor Setup Package – Supervisor Approval Required
*New Vendors need to be approved before we contract them to provide services.
November Employee Newsletter
Good Afternoon,
Please find the November Edition of the eExchange Employee Newsletter attached for your reference. We encourage employees to regularly check the Exchange bulletin board for current events, news and information.
Have a great weekend!
Meal Breaks
We know things get fast and sometimes furious during the work day. Priorities shift and the workload can seem to expand without warning or explanation. As a way of managing all that can happen during the day, we remind all employees of the importance of scheduling a mid-day meal break to recharge, refresh and renew your drive to accomplish the tasks at hand.
In accordance with California Law for all employers, Cambridge is committed to all employees following these guidelines for a meal break:
- A meal break MUST be taken no later than the start of the 5th hour of work. The only exception to this rule is if the overall work shift is going to be six hours or less. For shifts that last longer than six hours, the start of the 5th hour is a key deadline for starting your meal break! So don’t delay; start your break promptly.
- The meal break MUST be a minimum of at least 30 minutes. Subject to coordination with co-workers at the site, as well as feedback from either your Portfolio Supervisor or Cambridge’s Human Resource Department, the meal break can be extended to an hour or even longer if that assists you in felling refreshed and ready to proceed. So, give some thought to maybe an even longer break from time to time to perhaps schedule in a personal appointment, or tackle a ‘life activity’ during the middle of your day. Whatever the case, make sure your meal break is no less than 30 minutes.
There are all sorts of ways to assure your compliance with the meal break requirement; an alarm on your phone, an e-mail notification, a note on your desk, etc. However you create that important reminder, make it a priority to take a meal break for yourself. And take this break away from your normal work space so that you eliminate the possibility of an interrupted meal break as that doesn’t achieve our shared goal of not only a restful break, but an uninterrupted one too! Take a walk. Take a ride. Head off to a place where you can comfortably enjoy some ‘me-time’.
Following through on the goal of a meal break of 30 minutes or more during each work shift six hours in length or longer will help you see that your day goes faster, your work flows smoother, and your productivity increases when you are recharged and ready to conquer all that the second half of your work shift might bring!
Pass along this policy to all employees at your site. And, join us in committing to make this workplace requirement a part of our workplace culture.
Questions? Contact Angela Cooper: acooper@cambridgeres/com
Direct: 503.445.2793 | Fax: 503.450.0241 | Cell: 805.540.8310
Good Morning Managers,
Click the link below to print and save instructions for creating and maintaining an onsite Emergency Procedures Binder. The binder will aid in quick and effective response to the unexpected emergencies.
Emergency Procedures Binder Instructions
For those who assembled a similar binder following Symposium 2018, thank you for your follow-through. If you haven’t assembled a binder, we ask that this project be considered a priority for August 2018, as Property Supervisors have been asked to review binders during their September 2018 visits.
Please review the instructions and create or update your binder as necessary.
Credit/Debit Card Instructions for Application Fees
Hello Managers,
Please see this step by step instructional document that details how to process credit or debit cards for an application fee. If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to us at
Thank you!
Spring Into Action 2018
Hello Managers,
Please see the Spring Into Action 2018 packet for information on community clean up dates, the spring maintenance checklist, flag and uniform ordering, safety and wellness updates and much more! If you have specific questions regarding the your property’s community clean up, please contact your supervisor. Happy Spring Everyone!
Community Improvement Projects
Take advantage of the summer months to make timely community improvements. Below are some suggestions for summer projects. Please contact your supervisor to get approval prior to beginning work.
- Survey asphalt and concrete for signs of damage or trip hazards. Document and report damage to your supervisor, discuss proper remedies.
- Landscape maintenance, irrigation system repairs and improvements.
- Exterior touch up painting.
- Exterior window washing.
- Freshen up parking lot and curb paint.
- Cleaning of common areas such as laundry rooms and clubhouses. Clean carpets and fresh paint are vital in our efforts to create a positive impression. Remember to clean dryer vents and hoses, clearing them of accumulated lint and debris.
- Property signage is a direct reflection of your property. Please take time to review all signs on your property.
If you have other capital improvements that should be scheduled for your community, make sure to begin planning in advance with your supervisor in an effort to manage costs effectively and cause minimal community disruption.
Pro-Rated Rent Calculation
Please be aware, that occasionally when working on a move in or out, you may have discrepancies between the Tenant Technologies and Yardi pro-rate calculations.
Below are some general rules to follow regarding the pro-rates:
- If pro-rate rent amounts don’t match between Tenant Tech and Yardi, please go with the Yardi amount.
- If the amounts are off by less than $1, this is somewhat normal rounding differences.
- If the pro-rate calculations are off by more than $5, please notify yardi support. It may be that your Tenant Tech settings need to be updated.
To contact yardi support on this or any other questions, please e-mail: