April Operations Calendar **Update**

Please take note that the April operations calendar was updated today.  If you had already printed the April calendar, please discard the older version.

The older version showed laundry deposits on 4/7 and 4/21 but in order to get two deposits in the A/R month, they need to be collected on 3/31 and 4/14 because Powersite month end is on 4/15 this month.

Links to the current calendar and calendars for the rest of the year can be found in the filing cabinet section of the eExchange:


Maintenance Door Hangers

Maintenance door hangers have arrived!

Every property was recently mailed a stack of maintenance door hangers.  These door hangers are to be used by maintenance technicians and vendors to let residents know that someone is working inside.  They should help you avoid that awkward situation when a resident comes home and doesn’t know that someone’s inside their apartment.

Let us know how they work out for you and if you have any feedback!

Door Hanger


We’re already one month in to 2014!  Have you been using your calendars effectively?

We’d like to remind everyone about the calendar available on the eExchange with the many interactive links to training material.  https://cresapts.com/eexchange/calendar/  The calendar events give step by step training for your recurring tasks, like BCL transfers and manager reports.  See something that’s missing or have suggestions?  Please let us know!  We’d like to make the calendar as useful as we can for our management staff.

Weekly Manager Report Instructions

The Outlook version of the Operations calendar is still available to everyone as well. In the past, it was emailed to sites monthly but now everything has been loaded onto the website for quick downloading and printing.

These files are located in the administrative forms section of the Filing Cabinet.  https://cresapts.com/eexchange/filing-cabiinet/order-forms-2/administrative-forms/operations-calendar/.

Print them every month or go ahead and download an entire year’s worth of calendars and save them on your computer.  It’s up to you!

operations calendar instructions

If you have any questions about these calendars, feel free to contact Chelsa Harper or Laura Mather.  Happy organizing!

Daylight Savings — Fall Back

Picture1Daylight Saving Time occurs on Sunday, November 3rd at 2:00am and everyone should turn their clock back one hour. No worries if you forget, you will just get to work an hour early!

Things to remember with this time change:


Switch out your Summer Office Hours signs for the Winter Office Hours (some properties may only have 1 sign)

In order to prepare for the change in hours, please review the following:

  • Signs in and around common areas such as the clubhouse or laundry facilities
  • Telephone Recorders
  • Printed Advertisements


Adjust your exterior lights if they are on timers due to the fact that it will be light earlier as well as get dark earlier. As we progress toward the winter solstice, the timers may need slight adjustment to keep pace with the shorter days. Of course, on the other side, they’ll need to be adjusted back as the days grow longer.


Take this time to check for any exterior bulbs that may be burnt out, broken and check the general condition of your exterior lighting. Resident safety is very important to all of us and they’ll appreciate having well lit parking lots, walkways, and patios during this dark time of year.

If you have any questions or concerns about the above policies, please contact your Property Supervisor.

Preventive Maintenance — Staff Units

Tool BeltPreventive maintenance is proven to reduce the cost and inconvenience of urgent and/or emergency maintenance service. Generally, nearly all sites are achieving the published standard of two preventive maintenance initiatives in each apartment per year.

With this bulletin we wish to clarify that ALL site employee apartments shall be part if this program. And to clarify further, to make sure site employees have received maintenance service in their apartment during the 2013 calendar year, please accept this email as a request to do one of the following:

  1. Invite a qualified site employee working at your site to inspect site employee occupied unit(s) this week; note that inspections of employee-occupied units by the actual occupant do not meet this requirement.
  2. Invite your regional maintenance employee to inspect one or more site employee-occupied apartments during their next site visit.
  3. Invite your supervisor to inspect one or more site employee-occupied units during their next site visit.

For all sites, a status report regarding inspections of all site employee-occupied apartments is a required part of the October 31, 2013 monthly manager report.

Questions? Please call. Thanks!

Background Screening Reports

MP900309625[1]Background Investigations, Inc. provides screening reports on all rental applications processed for your property and all properties managed by CRES. The reports provided are easy to understand and quite helpful when determining the approval status of an applicant and the amount of security deposit to charge each household.

Please note that the report received contains very confidential information and is to be treated with the strictest of confidence. This report should be considered a confidential business record and should never to be shared with the applicant.

If the applicant has any questions about what is contained on the report you can forward them back to Background Investigations who will respond with the appropriate information.

If you have any questions about this policy please contact your property supervisor.


Fall Into Action

Have you read your Fall Into Action mailer yet?  Now is the time to review this information with your staff and start getting prepared for Fall!

Fall Into Action

This packet includes:

If you did not receive the mailer or have any questions, please contact your supervisor.

Fall Flags Arriving Soon!

The Fall Flag order is being shipped from Elmer’s Flags today, and should arrive within a week! We are very excited to be introducing a new design this Fall, and again in the Spring. Please do not mis-match with the old flag versions. The new flags have orange waves with teal and light orange polka dots. Please have your maintenance team switch your flags as soon as possible. To learn more about the marketing flags, including how to install them click here. Any questions or concerns? Please feel free to contact Kelsey Schneider.


When Should We Close Our Pool For The Season?

This is a friendly reminder about pool closures:

When should we close our pool for the season?

  • Not before Labor Day Weekend
  • At the latest September 17th

How do we know when to close our pool for the season?

  • When average daily temperatures drop below the 80’s
  • Pool use drops to the point it’s no longer an actively used amenity


We appreciate your attention to this and please contact your supervisor if you have any questions about this topic.