Swimming Pool Preparation

If your community has a swimming pool, please take a look at our Swimming Pool Checklist below, we want to make sure that you are on track to open your pool on schedule for Memorial Day Weekend! If you discover that you need to purchase any items related to opening your pool, please get approval from your supervisor.


  • Do you have all appropriate safety signs?
  • Do you have all appropriate safety equipment (life rings, the “hook”, etc.)?
  • Does your pool gate automatically close and latch securely?
  • Can you lock your pool gate each evening with an efficient lock and chain or similar arrangement?
  • Do you have a functioning filter?
  • Do you have a functioning “Kreepy Krauly” or other type of automatic suction cleaner?
  • Is your pool furniture in good shape?
  • Are your pool chemicals stocked?

Safety Reminder for Air Conditioners

As the weather warms up, our residents will begin inquiring about through-the-window air conditioners. These are permitted after May 1st through October 31st. Guidelines have been printed in the May issue of the Resident Newsletter to assist with policy communication.

One very important guideline is that site staff are not authorized to install these units. Residents must have an independent contractor install their air conditioner according to the published guidelines, and at their own expense. They should also consult with management prior to installation.

Guidelines for installation and use:

  • Residents should use clear Plexiglass panels and clear caulking.
  • A/C window units must not exceed 120 volts.
  • A/C units must use existing house wiring.
  • A/C units must be properly installed and in good working order.

Please see “Air Conditioner Policy” (form C395) in Tenant Tech in case you would like to further communicate with your residents.


Be Prepared: Freezing Weather Precautions

snowflakeColder days are approaching quickly!  We are sending out this annual reminder and all employees should be aware of what to do and how to deal with Freezing Weather in the forecast.  We always want to be as pro-active as possible to avoid any frozen pipes or other freezing weather related damage.

What to do if Freezing Weather is in the forecast:

During the onset of very cold weather conditions in your area, please take every measure to prevent and avoid freeze related incidents:

  • Post without delay on all apartments a Freeze Warning Notice (print from Tenant Tech #C085).
  • Staff should monitor the inside temperature of all vacant apartments until outside temperatures are forecast to stay above 40 degrees.
  • Staff should monitor inside water service of all vacant apartments to make sure faucets are allowed to trickle; this will help avoid frozen water pipes.
  • Leave cabinet doors open under kitchen and bathroom sinks in vacant units to allow warmer air to circulate around the pipes.
  • Activate pool and spa heaters just enough to avoid frozen pools and spas.
  • Make sure your property has a supply of sand or gravel located in stashes throughout the property to help with traction.
  • If snow cleaning is required, remember to include pathways to garbage areas, laundry rooms and site management office.  Also clear access to fire hydrants, water shut-off valves and emergency access routes.
  • Survey your property to identify overhanging branches which could present a hazard if snowfall occurs. Coordinate a timely response with your landscape vendor.
  • Maintain availability/office hours in and around the property.  All on-site employees should be on high alert. Office hours need to be maintained in inclement weather by employees who live on site. Employees who live off-site should travel only if safe to do so.  Absences related to weather are considered paid leave.

Please contact your property or maintenance supervisor with any questions.

Daylight Savings — Fall Back

Picture1Daylight Saving Time occurs on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00am and everyone should turn their clock back one hour. No worries if you forget, you will just get to work an hour early!

Things to remember with this time change:


Switch out your Summer Office Hours signs for the Winter Office Hours (some properties may only have 1 sign)

In order to prepare for the change in hours, please review the following:

  • Signs in and around common areas such as the clubhouse or laundry facilities
  • Telephone Recorders
  • Printed Advertisements


Adjust your exterior lights if they are on timers due to the fact that it will be light earlier as well as get dark earlier. As we progress toward the winter solstice, the timers may need slight adjustment to keep pace with the shorter days. Of course, on the other side, they’ll need to be adjusted back as the days grow longer.


Take this opportunity to check for any exterior bulbs that may be burnt out or broken, and check the general condition of your exterior lighting. Resident safety is very important to all of us and everyone will appreciate having well lit parking lots, walkways, and patios during this darker time of year.

If you have any questions or concerns about the above policies, please contact your Property Supervisor.

Fire Safety Check

fire safetyGood Afternoon!

In our preparation for the summer months as well as the upcoming 4th of July holiday please take a few minutes to do a Fire Safety Check at your community.

Please check the following:

  • Do your common areas have an easily accessible fire extinguisher?
  • Are the service tags on your fire extinguisher’s up to date?

If the answer to either of these questions is no, please follow up with your supervisor.

Daylight Savings — Fall Back

Picture1Daylight Saving Time occurs on Sunday, November 3rd at 2:00am and everyone should turn their clock back one hour. No worries if you forget, you will just get to work an hour early!

Things to remember with this time change:


Switch out your Summer Office Hours signs for the Winter Office Hours (some properties may only have 1 sign)

In order to prepare for the change in hours, please review the following:

  • Signs in and around common areas such as the clubhouse or laundry facilities
  • Telephone Recorders
  • Printed Advertisements


Adjust your exterior lights if they are on timers due to the fact that it will be light earlier as well as get dark earlier. As we progress toward the winter solstice, the timers may need slight adjustment to keep pace with the shorter days. Of course, on the other side, they’ll need to be adjusted back as the days grow longer.


Take this time to check for any exterior bulbs that may be burnt out, broken and check the general condition of your exterior lighting. Resident safety is very important to all of us and they’ll appreciate having well lit parking lots, walkways, and patios during this dark time of year.

If you have any questions or concerns about the above policies, please contact your Property Supervisor.

Fall Into Action

Have you read your Fall Into Action mailer yet?  Now is the time to review this information with your staff and start getting prepared for Fall!

Fall Into Action

This packet includes:

If you did not receive the mailer or have any questions, please contact your supervisor.

Playground Cushioning Materials

Summer vacation is just around the corner for some, and for others, it has already arrived. With this in mind, it’s time to make sure that our playground areas are in tip-top shape. Please take a few minutes to thoroughly inspect each of your play areas to make sure there is adequate cushioning material, and to make sure all play structures are safe.

When inspecting your play equipment, please check for loose bolts and loose or defective chains. Also, make sure that boards or play surfaces are secure, and check for sharp edges or rusty hardware. A good coat of paint may also be needed. Every piece of the play equipment should be solid, so if you find anything defective or broken, please repair or replace the part immediately.

Hillview Ridge Play Structure

Please also make sure you have an adequate amount of the proper cushioning material at your play areas. A few of you have specialized product, such as rubber material, but the majority of you should have hemlock shavings for cushioning. This helps reduce the potential for injury in the case that someone falls while on the play structure or swings. Optimally, you should have 12” of shavings under any play structure or swing set. This will have to be regularly raked back into place, as normal activities, such as using the swings, or jumping off play structures, tends to push the cushioning material away from where it’s needed.

A good way to make sure you always have enough cushioning material is to make a mark with paint or even a sharpie pen on the post of the play structure or swing set exactly 12” up from the ground. Then, all you need to do is make sure that the shavings are always raked up to the mark.

If you find that you don’t have enough cushioning material under your play structures, please contact your property supervisor and discuss having  a vendor deliver some hemlock shavings (or another specialty material, if you already have it) to the play area. Also, if you have sand under a play structure or swing set, please contact your property supervisor, and discuss having this replaced with hemlock shavings. Sand doesn’t provide much cushioning in the event of a fall.

These simple steps can help provide a safer play area for those who use them.

Please contact your regional maintenance supervisor if you have any questions or concerns.

BBQ & Grill Policy Flyer

It’s getting to be that time of year when our residents get BBQ Fever. We have created a flyer that you can print off for distribution to residents and post in common areas for visibility. This will be a helpful reminder to residents so (fingers crossed) we don’t have to distribute as many patio violations.

Click here to view and print the flyer.  This flyer has been created in color, however, it also prints well in black & white. Please contact your supervisor with any questions regarding these policies.




Incident Reporting

The purpose of completing an INCIDENT REPORT is to notify our insurance carrier of an event at your property, and to create essential records that provide details of significant or serious events which occur at a property.

The Incident Report (form C360) can be found on eforms.  This form should be completed with all pertinent information and forwarded to Laura Mather or your property supervisor as soon as possible following a qualifying event.

Qualifying events that should prompt an Incident Report include:

  • Any event which occurs on property and that results in an injury to any person — resident, guest, visitor, vendor or employee.
  • Any event resulting in substantial property damage.  Examples include but are not limited to:
    • Fire
    • Flood
    • Carport damage
    • Substantial resident damage to an apartment.  Example:
      • Resident does not report to management office that their toilet overflowed.  When management discovers the issue, it is 2 days later- the apartment is flooded resulting in the need to replace carpet, other flooring and interior saturated wallboards.  Costs for repairs exceed $4000. This is a reportable event even though the resident will likely ultimately be responsible for the repair costs.
  • Damage to property from weather related events.  Example:
    • Windstorm blows limbs from trees that damage roof on three buildings
  • Vandalism

The Incident Report is typically completed by the site manager, but can be completed by any member the site staff.

For reference, see Chapter 9 from your Operations Manual.  If you have any questions, please contact your property supervisor.