Power Outages and Black Outs

In the event of cold weather power outages or black outs, employees can be prepared by doing the following:

  •  Have a phone which doesn’t require electricity to operate.
  •  Post the emergency number for your electric utility so it’s handy in case you need to call.
  •  Notify the Site Employee Resource Center if your power is out so we can be of assistance.
  •  Keep flashlights in the office, and/or common areas with charged batteries.
  •  Remember when you are using the computer to always save files promptly. In the event of a power outage this could mean you only lose the last few minutes of unsaved data.
  •  Have a surge protector with battery back-up for your computer and printer. These can be purchased from Office Depot.  If you are unsure which type you need contact Blackpoint IT for assistance at 503-222-3480 or email: pdxhelpdesk@blackpoint-it.com
  •  Keep computers backed-up.
  •  Be aware of residents who require electricity for medical or mobility reasons.
  •  Warn residents to be careful when using candles or oil lamps for substitute light.
  • Make sure all residents are aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning. Many people die each year when they try to heat their homes with portable gas heaters, gas stoves, or propane grills.

Seasonal Decorations

Hello Managers,

As you begin to decorate your communities or plan any holiday related celebrations or acknowledgments in the coming months, please keep in mind that we have very diverse communities.

Our residents appreciate and value the feeling of community that holiday celebrations and décor can create.  While we don’t want to hinder the spirit of the season, we do ask that all of you be very thoughtful in your decorations, holiday cards you may send out, any celebrations you hold, etc.

In our continuing effort to keep our communities a welcome and inviting place for all, please be sure to celebrate the holiday season as opposed to any one particular holiday, keeping decorations, parties, gifts and greetings applicable to everyone and religion-neutral.

Please contact your supervisor with any questions.

Cold Weather/Rainy Season Checklist

Hello Managers,

Fall and winter are upon us, the changing seasons bring the falling of leaves, cold temperatures, wind, and of course…….RAIN! In addition to the Maintenance Checklist in the Fall Into Action packet, this checklist contains steps to proactively prepare for fall and winter weather:

  • Clear storm drains, manholes, and the curbs and gutters that flow into them.
  • Clear gutters and downspouts of any leaves or debris. Verify that the downspouts drain properly. Remove all debris from roof and check for missing shingles. Check flashing and roof jacks for water tightness.
  • Flat roofs: Clear roof drains and overflows, remove all debris and check for cracks and punctures at the roof membrane. Check perimeter flashing.
  • Equipment on roofs: Clear leaves from exhaust fans, air intakes, check for water tightness. Check weather protection around insulated piping and equipment.
  • Clear downspout leaders under sidewalks (daylighting at curbs).
  • Check if awnings are securely fastened.
  • If your property has patios check to see that they are kept clear so that the water is able to drain off properly. Check patio covers for proper drainage.
  • Insulate and cover backflow preventors.
  • Landscape irrigation systems should be prepared to be shut down for the winter.
  • Maintenance staff should begin progressively blocking all foundation vents.
  • Insulate exterior hose bibs.
  • If your structures have crawlspaces, check these areas for excessive moisture and/or mold growth.
  • In cold climates, water that is “ponding” on walks or drives will become ice in freezing temperatures and will become a fall hazard. These areas should be addressed ASAP.
  • Units that are unoccupied should maintain minimum heat settings to avoid freezing of the pipes and to allow airflow and ventilation.
  • Units that remain unoccupied for long periods may have their plumbing traps become dry. Be sure to “prime” the traps (fill with water).

Problem signs to look for:

  • Water pooling in landscaped areas or sidewalks: Check drains for any blockage (leaves, dirt, trash).
  • Water pooling around buildings: Check for any clutter that is stored/stacked against buildings that prohibits water flowing away from the building. Check the grade of the dirt, it needs to be six inches below the top of the ground floor slab.
  • Moisture at windows: Check weep holes to be sure they are clear and draining. Also, remind residents to close windows before storms. Check the drywall at the top and bottom corners of the windows for stains.
  • Water stains on the ceiling: Check the attic and the roof at that area.

Should you have any questions regarding any of these issues, please contact your property supervisor.

Air Conditioner Removal

Hello Managers,

As cooler weather creeps our way, please keep the following in mind:

  • All window air conditioners must be removed by October 31st.
  • Residents are responsible for the proper storage of their air conditioning unit.
  • Please make sure that residents make arrangements remove all plexiglass and caulking that may have been used during the installation of the unit.
  • Air conditioning units may be re‐installed after May 1st.

Please contact your supervisor with any other questions or concerns regarding the removal and storage of air conditioning units.

Safety Reminder: Check Smoke Detectors

Hello Managers,

The weather is changing and it is time to remind residents to check their smoke detectors. Residents should be testing their smoke detectors by pressing the button on the cover of the device. The alarm should sound briefly to signify it is working (if the battery is low, the alarm will “chirp” about every 30 seconds) Remember, smoke alarms are important to resident safety and should never be removed.

Should you have any other questions, feel free to speak with your supervisor.

Curb Appeal for Property Audits

As you know, compliance audits / inspections provide an opportunity for both you and your property to shine. There are several ways to ensure the property looks its best the day of the audit:

  • Keep in contact with your landscapers to ensure they will also be there the morning of the audit so it looks its best when the auditor arrives. Discuss and obtain approval from your Property Supervisor prior to having any landscaping work done which will incur any additional costs above and beyond your landscape contract.
  • Have your maintenance person power-wash areas in need — such as buildings, sidewalks and / or breezeways — around your property prior to the audit.
  • Take a look at your flags and banners – are they torn or faded? As soon as you are notified of the audit / inspection, let the central office know should you need new flags or banners. Contact your Property Supervisor to discuss any property needs well in advance of the audit / inspection, such as replacement building number signs, apartment number signs,  A-boards or any other needs.
  • If applicable, make sure your pool furniture is clean and placed in an organized manner around the pool rather than having chairs or tables in random places around the pool prior to the audit / inspection. If it is off season, make sure pool area is tidy and presentable.
  • In the few days prior to the audit / inspection, contact a trash hauler to remove any large items, such as furniture, left near garbage enclosures.
  • Have your maintenance personnel clean and sweep around and in each garbage enclosure the day before the audit.
  • As always, be sure to walk your property daily so that any and all issues can be addressed prior to the audit / inspection. Issue appropriate violation letters as needed well in advance of the audit / inspection to ensure these issues are addressed prior to the auditor arriving.

Should you have any questions about this information, feel free to contact your Property Supervisor.


Fall Flags Arriving Soon

Hi Managers,

The Fall Flag order has been placed, and should arrive next week!  At your earliest convenience, have your maintenance team switch your flags.  Please do not mis-match with the old flag versions, or re-use tattered flags from last year.

To learn how to install the marketing flags, see these CRES Flag FAQ and Installation instructions. Enjoy!

*Please disregard if your property does not have flags

Any questions or concerns?

Please feel free to contact Miranda Baker @ 503.450.0230

Pool Closure Reminder

Good Afternoon Managers!

 This is a friendly reminder about pool closures. Please read below and let your supervisor know if you have any questions.

 When should I close my pool for the season?

  •   Not before Labor Day Weekend
  •   At the latest September 17th

 How do I know when to close my pool for the season?

  •   When average daily temperatures drop below the 80’s
  •   Pool use drops to the point it’s no longer an actively used amenity



Patios and Porches

It’s the time of year when we really focus on the condition of our resident’s patios and porches. This is always a challenging situation as we continue to inspect and re-inspect patios to ensure they are maintained in pristine condition. Refresh your memory when it comes to the list of allowable items for patios and porches. This list can be found in the Terms and Conditions/Rules and Regulations section of the lease agreement. Only the following items can be stored on patios or porches:

  • Properly maintained and operable propane barbeques (as allowed by state or local fire code)
  •  Reasonable number and size of potted plants
  •  Bicycles

Make use of the Patio Violation form to notify residents in the event of infraction.

Patios, Porches and Balconies

As the weather begins to get warmer, residents will be using patios, balconies and porches more often. This checklist as a friendly reminder for residents in shared community space.

  • Items on patios should be limited to patio furniture in good repair, potted plants, and satellite dishes not attached to the building.
  • Residents should be mindful of the amount of furniture and plants on their patio.
  • No trash or other debris should be left on patio, porch or balcony.
  • Only propane grills with small “camping” sized tanks are allowed within 10 feet of any combustible structure. Check your local fire code for additional restrictions.
  • Exterior shades are not permitted.
  • Residents should keep all entryways, corridors, and exits clear and unobstructed in case of emergency.
  • Any space under stairwells should be kept clear at all times.

Please contact your supervisors if questions arise.