Holiday Schedule

Winter SnowManagers,
Below is the holiday schedule for Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year’s Holiday.

Remember if a staff member’s normal day off falls on the observed holiday, another day within the pay period will need to be taken off in lieu of the holiday.  Please note that coverage must be arranged in advance of these “make-up” Holidays.  Contact your property supervisor with any questions regarding scheduling.


Thanksgiving Holiday

Thursday, November 27, 2014

  • All offices –Sites and Site Employee Resource Center (formerly known as the ‘central office’), shall be closed in observance of Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 28, 2014

  • Site offices shall be open. At the manager’s discretion, a delayed opening time of approximately 10 a.m. is acceptable. Site Employee Resource Center is staffed on a limited basis.


Christmas Holiday

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

  • On Christmas Eve, sites can choose to close early at 3pm. The Site Employee Resource Center will generally close at the same time.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

  • All offices – Sites and Site Employee Resource Center, shall be closed in observance of Christmas.

Friday, December 26, 2014

  • Site offices shall be open. At the manager’s discretion, a delayed opening time of approximately 10 a.m. is acceptable. The Site Employee Resource Center will generally open at the same time.


New Year’s Holiday

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

  • On New Year’s Eve, sites can choose to close early at 3pm. The Site Employee Resource Center will generally close at the same time.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

  • All offices – Sites and Site Employee Resource Center, shall be closed in observance of New Year’s Holiday.

Friday, January 2, 2015

  • Site offices shall be open. At the manager’s discretion, a delayed opening time of approximately 10 a.m. is acceptable. The Site Employee Resource Center will generally open at the same time.


During any of these holiday hours, in case of emergency, contacts are listed below:

Jeff – 503.450.0230

Janeen – 503.450.0238

Bill – 503.450.0237

Collin – 503.450.0234


Thank you, and have a safe and happy holiday season!

Be Prepared: Freezing Weather Precautions

snowflakeColder days are approaching quickly!  We are sending out this annual reminder and all employees should be aware of what to do and how to deal with Freezing Weather in the forecast.  We always want to be as pro-active as possible to avoid any frozen pipes or other freezing weather related damage.

What to do if Freezing Weather is in the forecast:

During the onset of very cold weather conditions in your area, please take every measure to prevent and avoid freeze related incidents:

  • Post without delay on all apartments a Freeze Warning Notice (print from Tenant Tech #C085).
  • Staff should monitor the inside temperature of all vacant apartments until outside temperatures are forecast to stay above 40 degrees.
  • Staff should monitor inside water service of all vacant apartments to make sure faucets are allowed to trickle; this will help avoid frozen water pipes.
  • Leave cabinet doors open under kitchen and bathroom sinks in vacant units to allow warmer air to circulate around the pipes.
  • Activate pool and spa heaters just enough to avoid frozen pools and spas.
  • Make sure your property has a supply of sand or gravel located in stashes throughout the property to help with traction.
  • If snow cleaning is required, remember to include pathways to garbage areas, laundry rooms and site management office.  Also clear access to fire hydrants, water shut-off valves and emergency access routes.
  • Survey your property to identify overhanging branches which could present a hazard if snowfall occurs. Coordinate a timely response with your landscape vendor.
  • Maintain availability/office hours in and around the property.  All on-site employees should be on high alert. Office hours need to be maintained in inclement weather by employees who live on site. Employees who live off-site should travel only if safe to do so.  Absences related to weather are considered paid leave.

Please contact your property or maintenance supervisor with any questions.

Daylight Savings — Fall Back

Picture1Daylight Saving Time occurs on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00am and everyone should turn their clock back one hour. No worries if you forget, you will just get to work an hour early!

Things to remember with this time change:


Switch out your Summer Office Hours signs for the Winter Office Hours (some properties may only have 1 sign)

In order to prepare for the change in hours, please review the following:

  • Signs in and around common areas such as the clubhouse or laundry facilities
  • Telephone Recorders
  • Printed Advertisements


Adjust your exterior lights if they are on timers due to the fact that it will be light earlier as well as get dark earlier. As we progress toward the winter solstice, the timers may need slight adjustment to keep pace with the shorter days. Of course, on the other side, they’ll need to be adjusted back as the days grow longer.


Take this opportunity to check for any exterior bulbs that may be burnt out or broken, and check the general condition of your exterior lighting. Resident safety is very important to all of us and everyone will appreciate having well lit parking lots, walkways, and patios during this darker time of year.

If you have any questions or concerns about the above policies, please contact your Property Supervisor.

Fall Flags Arriving!

The Fall Flag order was shipped last Thursday from Elmer’s Flags, and should arrive within this week! The Fall Flag version is Orange with teal and light orange polka dots. Please do not mis-match with the old flag versions, or re-use tattered flags from last year. At the earliest convenience, have your maintenance team switch your flags. To learn how to install the marketing flags, click here. Enjoy!


*Please disregard if your property does not have flags


Any questions or concerns?

Please feel free to contact Kelsey Schneider.

Fire Safety Check

fire safetyGood Afternoon!

In our preparation for the summer months as well as the upcoming 4th of July holiday please take a few minutes to do a Fire Safety Check at your community.

Please check the following:

  • Do your common areas have an easily accessible fire extinguisher?
  • Are the service tags on your fire extinguisher’s up to date?

If the answer to either of these questions is no, please follow up with your supervisor.

Utility Rate Increase Notices

utility guyIt is that time of year when utility companies will begin sending out notices to their customers about upcoming rate increases.  Be sure to keep an eye out for this type of notification and forward along to your supervisor so we can be sure to add any increases into future property budgets.

Spring Flags Arriving Soon!

The Spring Flag order is being shipped from Elmer’s Flags today, and should arrive within a week! We are very excited to be introducing a new design this Spring, similar to the new version introduced in the Fall. Please do not mis-match with the old flag versions. The new flags have magenta waves with orange and lime green polka dots. Please have your maintenance team switch your flags as soon as possible. To learn more about the marketing flags, including how to install them click here. Enjoy!

*Please disregard if your property does not have flags

Any questions or concerns?

Please feel free to contact Kelsey Schneider.

Spring Clean Up Starts Tomorrow!

Are you ready for the 2014 Spring Cleanup?

This is a great way to motivate residents to clean their apartments and patios and they will definitely appreciate the convenience of having dumpsters on site.

Make sure your drop boxes are ordered and your residents have been informed!  Here are the flyers that were included in your Spring Into Action packet and also emailed on March 7th in case you need to post some more around your property.

community cleanup 2014 – manager flyer

Dumpster flyer (english) – local portland

Dumpster flyer (english)

Dumpster flyer (spanish)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact your property supervisor.

Christmas Tree Removal

After the holidays please make sure to have a defined plan for Christmas tree removal.

  • Contact local landscape contractors, garbage hauler, or other local tree recycling program
    • Costs can vary, so doing some research might be to your property’s benefit
  • Identify a location where residents can put their trees
    • Should be confined to a space the size of a parking stall or two
    • Should be in reasonable proximity to the apartment units
    • Should be handicap accessible
    • Area that is easily accessible for vendor picking up trees
    • Mark area with cones, safety tape or other appropriate materials
  • Communicate with residents
    • Let them know where they can put their trees
    • Include the date the trees will be picked up
    • Remind them to remove all decorations

Properties in the Portland/Vancouver area should have already received confirmation from their landscape provider that included a schedule for tree removal.  Properties outside this region should contact their landscape contractor.

Also, please note that when staff is entering occupied apartment during this season, please make sure to check to ensure that remaining trees have not become fire hazard and that furniture and other items moved around to make room for trees have not been pushed in front of heaters.

Thank you for your attention to this and let your supervisor know if you have any questions.

Winterization Tips – Prevention

Dec30#05As we transition into the winter season, properly winterizing your properties becomes a top priority. Here are a few reminders to help you get ready for the colder weather. It’s best to complete these few simple tasks before the temperature drops, so make sure to complete your preparations before autumn is over.

  • Please make sure foundation vents are properly covered. The Home Depot sells Styrofoam vent covers for standard size vents, as well as sheets of Styrofoam so you can cut covers to size in the event that you have vents that are not standard.
  • Install hose bibb covers (the little Styrofoam covers that fit over the garden hose spout.) These are available at The Home Depot (SKU 528444) for about $1.20 each and at HD Supply (item number 911127) for about $3.20 each. Please remember to walk your properties daily, checking to make sure these covers are still in place, as residents have a tendency to remove them and not put them back.
  • Make sure the heat is turned up to around 55 degrees in your vacant units, leave the cabinet doors open under the kitchen and bathroom sinks, and turn the water on slightly so there is a small amount of water running out of the faucet. If you have a model unit, don’t forget to include this as well. Remember to walk your vacant units regularly to make sure the pipes haven’t frozen.
  • Know the locations of your water shut off valves.
  • If you have a swimming pool, please turn up the heater a fraction, just to keep the lines from freezing. You don’t have to set it to 80 degrees, just enough to keep the water in a liquid state. Pools generally don’t freeze unless the temperature drops for an extended period of time, so the heater will only need to be turned on during very cold periods or extended periods of cold.
  • Remember, ice melt products are not approved, so you should have a supply of sand or pea gravel available to spread on sidewalks and stairways in heavy traffic areas.

What to do if there is no heat in a unit:

Please treat any heat related work orders as a priority during this time, so make sure any work order for a heater that is not working is addressed on a same day basis. Keep extra thermostats and heater parts on hand, as well as an extra heater or two. It is a good idea to have portable heaters available to leave in a resident’s unit, in case they have a heating issue that cannot be repaired immediately. The amount of portable heaters you should keep on hand depends on the size of your property, so please contact your supervisor if you have any questions as to how many to order. Make sure your pagers are in working order with fresh batteries, as an after hours call for no heat is considered an emergency.

What to do in the event of a burst pipe:

Resident and employee safety is our top priority, so be cautious around icy conditions created by broken pipes.

Water expands when it’s frozen, so when a pipe is full of water and it freezes, that water expands inside the pipe until the pipe bursts. It’s important to understand that pipes do not leak while they’re frozen; it’s when the temperature warms up a little that pipes thaw and they start to leak. Pipes that run through exterior walls are particularly vulnerable, especially in older buildings that don’t have as much insulation. This is why installing exterior faucet covers and leaving cabinet doors open with water running slightly is so important.

If you see water coming out of an occupied apartment, and the resident is not home, it is considered an emergency. You have authority to gain entry to units if the situation poses a direct threat to persons or property. It is imperative to post a Notice of Emergency Entry (available on eForms) at the time when you enter an occupied unit in such a manner. Please contact your property supervisor if you’re unfamiliar with this process.

Keep the phone numbers for your carpet vendors, restoration companies, and fire suppression contractor handy.

When a pipe bursts, the first step to take is to shut off the water. Burst pipes can produce an enormous amount of water, especially if it’s not caught right away. Depending on the severity of the leak, your carpet vendor may be contacted for an extraction, or if the water has saturated walls, ceilings, or the resident’s belongings, a restoration company may be necessary. Check with your property supervisor to help determine if you need a restoration company.

After the water is extracted, determine the amount of damage, then come up with a plan to repair. Make sure all surfaces are completely dry before completing repairs, so a dehumidifier and/or carpet fans may be necessary. In severe cases, it may also be necessary to remove drywall and replace it with new. Wet surfaces contribute to mold issues, so make sure all affected areas are addressed.

Sprinkler systems are not immune from freezing, and since they’re often hidden in ceilings and walls, they become vulnerable, so keep your fire suppression contractor’s phone number handy as well.

Prevention is the key to help keep frozen pipes from turning into expensive repairs. Taking a few simple steps will help save time and money, so please make sure all preventative measures are taken before the weather turns cold, and in the event of a burst pipe, please exercise caution and diligence when responding to a water emergency.

Please feel free to contact your Maintenance Supervisor with any questions.