BBQ and Grill Policy Flyer

gas-grillIt’s getting to be that time of year when our residents get the Grillin’ Fever.  Although most residents are aware of our policies there may be a few that are unsure what types of barbecues and grills are allowed or not, and what type of propane they should have attached to those grills.

We have created a flyer that you can print off for distribution to residents and post in common areas for visibility. This will be a helpful reminder to residents so (fingers crossed) we don’t have to distribute as many patio violations.

This flyer has been created in color, however, it also prints well in black & white. Please contact your supervisor with any questions regarding these policies.

Spring Community Clean-Up!

dumpsterWe are excited about the Spring Cleaning that will be hosted at all communities between April 11th-15th.  In the  past we have hosted this community clean-up over  Memorial Day weekend, but would like to get a head start on Spring Cleaning this year.

All sites should have received a packet in their mail last week as well as an email about the company-wide upcoming Spring Community Clean-Up.

Here are the documents that were sent out in case you need a copy:

Management staff should have the order placed for  their drop box(es) and be communicating with residents to build interest.

Please let us know if you have any questions and Happy Spring Cleaning!

Phone Book Season

phone book salesmanQuick reminder that phone book season is upon us.  Due to easy access to technology, most households in our communities will opt for internet or smartphone access when looking up phone numbers and addresses.  Therefore, phone books are likely to be disregarded by residents and left outside their door.  Site staff will then have the task of going through the property to gather these phone books and take to the recycling center.

To avoid this responsibility, we encourage managers to have the phone book distributors just leave a small quantity of phone books at the management office.  If residents would like a phone book, make sure to provide one promptly so their needs are met.

Daylight Savings

Don’t forget to turn your clocks forward an hour this Sunday, March 10th at 2:00am

During the coming week, all sites should be focused on adjusting to their so-called “Daylight Savings Time” business hours.  This means removing the “Standard Time” office hours sign and replacing it with the “Daylight Savings Times”.

Also, the change from “Standard” to “Daylight Savings” time reminds us of a number of seasonal tasks.

  • Resetting clocks throughout the office and community room at your community
  • Changes to clocks which control outdoor lighting
  • Smoke Detector Battery Awareness
  • Foundation Vent Cover Removal
  • Spring Cleaning including P-R-E-S-S-U-R-E  W-A-S-H-I-N-G!

We appreciate your efforts to get in step with the changing of the season.  May summer soon arrive!

Spring Into Action

Have you read your Spring Into Action mailer yet?  Now is the time to review this information with your staff and start getting prepared for Spring!

spring into action

If you did not receive the mailer or have any questions, please contact your supervisor.

Ice Melt Products

ice melt productsFor those properties who encounter ice during the winter months, please be advised of the following policy:

Cambridge prohibits the use of chemical ice melt products due to the fact that these products have proven to cause significant damage to concrete walkways.  The damage caused to walkways can not only result in costly repairs to the concrete, but these chemicals are oftentimes only partially effective in dealing with stubborn ice and snow.

Instead of ice melt products, Cambridge encourages the use of sand and/or gravel along pathways during inclement weather.

For further directions and advice, please contact your property supervisor.

Inclement Weather

CIMG1296During the onset of very cold weather conditions, we remind managers of the following:

  • Post without delay on all apartments a Freeze Warning Notice (print from eforms #C085).
  • Staff should monitor the inside temperature of all vacant apartments until outside temperatures are forecast to stay above 40 degrees.
  • Staff should monitor inside water service of all vacant apartments to make sure faucets are allowed to trickle; this will help avoid frozen water pipes.
  • Activate pool and spa heaters just enough to avoid frozen pools and spas.
  • Make sure your property has a supply of sand or gravel located in stashes throughout the property to help with traction.
  • If snow cleaning is required, remember to include pathways to garbage areas, laundry rooms and site management office.  Also clear access to fire hydrants, water shut-off valves and emergency access routes.
  • Survey your property to identify overhanging branches which could present a hazard if snowfall occurs. Coordinate a timely response with your landscape vendor.
  • Maintain availability/office hours in and around the property.  All on-site employees should be on high alert. Office hours need to be maintained in inclement weather by employees who live on site. Employees who live off-site should travel only if safe to do so.  Absences related to weather are considered paid leave.


Keeping Holiday Celebrations Religion-Neutral

nutcrackerThis holiday season is a joyous time for people of many different cultures.  Many families and friends will reconnect and share celebrations together.  Because resident’s religions are often diverse, it’s hard to know about every holiday that may be celebrated.  One way to avoid fair housing trouble during the holiday season is to celebrate the season, and not a particular holiday.  Keep any common area decorations put up by management, community sponsored parties, gifts and greetings religion-neutral.


Power Outages & Black Outs

metersIn the event of power outages or black outs employees can be prepared by doing the following:

  • Have a phone which doesn’t require electricity to operate.
  • Post the emergency number for your electric utility so it’s handy in case you need to call.
  • Notify the Site Employee Resource Center if your power is out so we can be of assistance.
  • Keep flashlights in the office, and/or common areas with charged batteries.
  • Remember when you are using the computer to always save files promptly.  In the event of a power outage this could mean you only lose the last few minutes of unsaved data.
  • Have a surge protector with battery back-up for your computer and printer.  These can be purchased from Office Depot.  If you are unsure which type you need contact All Tech 1 for assistance (503) 598-8408.
  • Keep computer back-up tapes safe.
  • Be aware of residents who require electricity for medical or mobility reasons.
  • Warn residents to be careful when using candles or oil lamps for substitute light.
  • Make sure all residents are aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.  Many people die each year when they try to heat their homes with portable gas heaters, gas stoves, or propane grills.