Determining Eligibility

Certification Process

1. After the approval for the application is received (for move‐ins only), have an Interview with the applicant(s) to go through the Application and Questionnaire with each household member over the age of 18. Have each household member over the age of 18 sign a verification form that corresponds with each question answered “yes” on the questionnaire and / or the income and / or assets listed on the questionnaire. Follow the same procedure for recertifications (existing residents should complete questionnaire to start the process however note there will be no application).

2. Forward verifications DIRECTLY to third‐parties. Do not ever give verifications to the applicant as this is a violation of the affordable housing program your property operates within.

3. Use the Verification Checklist to track verifications and follow up with third‐parties to get verifications back.

4. While awaiting verifications, be proactive in obtaining supporting documentation as needed specific to the household, including but not limited to:

  • 3 months of consecutive paystubs (note: not necessary in Idaho if you have an Employment Verification)
  • Proof of legal separation
  • Divorce decrees
  • Child Support orders
  • Taxes for previous year, if worked
  • Proof of non‐filing of taxes, if worked (using form 4506‐T)
  • Personal statements to clarify unclear information

5. Once all verifications and supporting documentation is received, complete an Income Worksheet for each household member that has income.

a. If someone is employed, be sure to calculate all three (3) employment income
calculations on the Income Worksheet including:

  • Per Employment Verification
  • Per Highest Paystub
  • Per YTD annualized earnings

6. The final step is to complete a Tenant Income Certification (TIC) to summarize the household’s composition, income and assets. Use your property’s Tax Credit Calculation Sheet to complete income limits, rent limits and utility allowance on page 2 of the TIC.

7. Does the household’s income fall under the income limit? If so, print and complete an Affordable Housing Certification Transmittal from eforms and use that as a fax cover sheet to send all documentation (aka a compliance file) to the compliance department for review and approval.

8. If the household is over income, notify the applicants they do not qualify for housing.


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