All employees of Cambridge Real Estate Services are to offer equal housing for all applicants/residents regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability/handicap, familial status or other protected classes under federal, state, or local laws.
It’s important that all employees know that discrimination against a protected class member is illegal. Not only may the company be held liable, but the person committing the offense may also be held personally liable.
It’s our goal to provide quality housing to all of our customers. It is a practice that we do business in accordance with fair housing principles, and do not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap (including victims of AIDS), familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or other protected classes.
Fair Housing Training
All Cambridge employees are required to successfully complete the Fair Housing training offered by Grace Hill. As an employee, you are responsible for providing:
- All applicants a copy of the property specific criteria for residency.
- Consistent treatment of all prospects and applicants.
- Consistent telephone and leasing presentations.
- Consistent detailed record-keeping of all telephone conversations, and walk-in traffic.
- Consistent use of nondiscriminatory advertising and marketing.
- Consistent display and review of fair and reasonable occupancy standards.