Property Tours

When your prospect arrives at your office, stand up and warmly greet them. If you are busy initially, acknowledge the prospect. If at all possible, greet them at the door. Introduce yourself with a smile on your face. Ask if the prospect has an appointment, reference their Guest Inquiry Card, if so and if not, complete the Guest Inquiry Card.

Safe  Tours

Cambridge Real Estate Services employee’s showing apartments are encouraged to obtain government issued (local, state, or federal government) photo I.D. from all persons of legal age (18 and older) in each tour group, before they tour the apartment and community.  The I.D. will remain in the office during the tour, and will be returned to the prospect upon returning to the office. Minors will not be shown an apartment unless accompanied by a person of legal age.

Safety Tips to Remember

  • Always collect a picture ID from all adults in the touring party
  • Try not to enter a closed room first
  • Leave the front door of the apartment open during the tour
  • Always let someone else know where you are going
  • Use the ‘Buddy System’
  • Rely on instinct
  • Develop a system of code phrases
  • Be consistent

Read more about Safe Tours…

Be Prepared

Always know the apartments available to show and lease; do not show a prospect an apartment that is not“move-in” ready! Before the day begins, inspect your “marketing corridor”, which is basically anything the customer sees on the way to the apartment. All areas that are common to the residents must be absolutely spotless. You can show your property’s amenities either before touring the community and apartment or when you return to the office. It depends on what the prospect’s “hot buttons” are.  When walking to the apartment, walk next to the prospect, if possible. Chat along the way and keep your prospect involved in conversation; questions about your prospect help to keep the conversation flowing.


While in the apartment, keep control by guiding the prospect; ask the prospect to open cabinets; appeal to the 5 senses: Taste, Touch, Smell, Sight and Sound. Sell “feelings”, not things.

Point out the many features in the apartment to start the “head-bobbing”.  Vacant apartments must not be shown unless they are rent ready. For safety reasons, no apartment should be shown after dusk.  Take advantage of the walk back to the office.

Use this opportunity to “close” the prospect!  You can be subtle, by asking “yes” questions, involving the prospect with the tour, and getting the “head-bob” going. You can also be direct, by asking for the application, asking the prospect to choose a home or setting the move-in date.

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