
The purpose of advertising is to attract qualified prospective renters, create and maintain a positive image, and maintain exposure within the local community.  There are numerous forms of advertising in the apartment industry:

  • Referrals
  • Internet ads — Craigslist
  • Newspaper print ads
  • Rental magazines — For Rent, Apartment Guide, Apartment Finder

Whenever you decide to place an “ad”, the ad location should be chosen based on who you are trying to attract, cost effectiveness, exposure and frequency of distribution.  The most effective ads do not necessarily need to include ALL features of the site, just enough to make people call for more information.

Newspaper & Online Advertising

For effectiveness and Fair Housing Compliance, any printed or Craiglist ad can include the following:

  • Site name
  • Photos
  • Location
  • Website link
  • Phone number
  • Catch phase (i.e., Location, Location, Location…)
  • Action statement (i.e., Call today for more information…)
  • Fair Housing Logo
  • Specific qualifying statement as applicable (i.e., “income guidelines apply”)

Craigslist Advertising

What is Craigslist?

An internet bulletin board site operated by the craigslist community. Typically low or no-cost advertisements posted in date order. An increasingly popular place to advertising goods and services available for sale or barter.

Placing an Advertisement on Craigslist

1. Log on to Craigslist.
2. Using the menus on the right hand side of the Craigslist home page, select your State and your City or Region.
3. In the upper, left hand corner, click on “POST TO CLASSIFIEDS”
6. If applicable, respond to the Craigslist prompts by narrowing your focus for the advertisement.
7. Complete all of the pre-determined fields to create your custom advertisement; it may be helpful for you to review other ads posted in your area to make sure you develop an interesting advertisement.  See a sample Craigslist Ad.
8. Continue to follow the prompts to post your advertisement on Craigslist

Tips For Craigslist Advertising

When publishing an ad on Craigslist you will want to follow the below guidelines to create the most attractive and useful ad when marketing your community.

1. Understand The Goal Of The Ad

  • Aim to generate that initial phone call; your leasing skills will ultimately rent the apartment.Post Ads at times when your target audience is most likely to be looking.
  • Always strive to be on the first page that shows up in a prospect’s search.

2. Response Time is Absolutely Critical

  • Respond promptly to every inquiry. Answering a call the first time is best.
  • Same day response is critical; same hour response is best

3. Price Available Apartments Effectively

  • Is it a specific promotion? Are you pre leasing? Are you offering a one time special?
  • Conduct a comparison study of your competitor’s ads before posting your ads.
  • Set an expiration date in your Ad for specials to help create urgency.

4. Distinguish Your Ad From Others

5. Include Professional Pictures

  • If possible, use interior and exterior photographs photos of the actual apartment

6. Use Language That Your Target Audience Will Understand

  • Avoid Industry Jargon like “RUB” and “Concession”. Use language familiar to your audience.
  • Photos tell a thousand words; the more you use the better.
  • If you have to, use short descriptions and avoid long narratives; Craigslister’s won’t read them.

7. Review Your Ad Before Final Posting

  • Include your first name, contact #, and property email address.
  • Make sure the Equal Housing Opportunity Logo is included in your ad
  • Check for accuracy in spelling, prices, and specials quoted.

8. Make Posting Easy

  • Create a Craigslist account to make posting fast. Daily postings should take only minutes.
  • Resize your photos to shorten loading times.

9. Run Multiple Ads

  • Create 3 Ad variations for each available floor plan advertised and rotate daily.
  • Craigslist scans posting titles, phone #’s, IP addresses, lines of text, to prevent multiple listings.

10. Measure, Adjust, Repeat

  • Track your ads to identify which posting times, pictures, taglines, and specials are effective. Check out Getclicky!

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