NOTE: Below are general guidelines for file retention and may vary from property to property. Above all else always follow state law, affordable housing program requirements, and owner discretion. Before disposing/discarding any documentation managers should get SERC approval. When in doubt about the whether or not to dispose/discard site documents consult with your Property Supervisor.
Past Resident Files
After a resident has moved out, the file must be placed in the yearly Move-Out files in alphabetical order.
If regular manila file folders are used for resident files, the entire folder can be filed. If you are using the pressboard file folders or recycling manila file folders, remove the contents of the resident’s file and place in a white envelope. Turning the envelope horizontally, starting at the upper left corner, label the envelope with the last name of the past resident, apartment number and move out date. Use the pressboard file for the new resident.
The file contents should be in the following order (top to bottom):
- Resident Statement of Deposit Accounting (SODA)
- Unit Condition Report
- Move-Out Inspection Worksheet
- Repair/Replacement Report
- All prior Rental Agreements, Addenda, and correspondence.
Always keep the current year past files in a file drawer in the office. Past year files are stored in a filing box with the appropriate year. Mark “Discard after (month) (year)” on every box.
Denied/Cancelled Applications Files
Create folders for denied and cancelled applications in alphabetical order. For good file management:
- File the denied/cancelled applications by last name.
- Keep the current year’s denied/cancelled applications in a filing drawer in the office.
- Past year’s denied/cancelled applications should be stored in a filing box with the appropriate year. Mark “Discard after (month) (year)” on every box.
Apartment Maintenance Files
- With unit numbers printed on the tab of the folder, file Apartment Maintenance Files in apartment number order. They can be kept separate from or with resident files.
- Maintain files in a standard letter-size file folder configuration— white copies of maintenance requests are filed on the left side with the most recent on top. All turnover paperwork, Capital Replacement Logs, Unit Condition Reports, Preventative Maintenance Reports, are filed on the right side with the most recent information on top.
- Invoice copies regarding turnover expenses are also filed on the right side.
- Secure all paperwork using a two-hole punch.
File Retention Table
It is important that site documents and reports are retained for a specific amount of time. Each property should retain archived information at the property in a secure area. The following is a list of typical files/documents on site, the retention time and how to organize.