Important Items to Remember
- Use original ink only on the white copy of the Move-Out Inspection Worksheet, if you make a mistake start over. Original ink is an important audit control measure which allows confirmation that painters and cleaners are not charging excess fees.
- Do not throw away the yellow and gold pages of the Move-Out Inspection Worksheet.
→ Yellow sheet is an estimate of how much a cleaning vendor should be charging. This form is an order form completed by management that tells the cleaner exactly what to clean, and how much to charge. Attach sheet to cleaner’s invoice.
→ Gold painting contractor prep sheets should be used to calculate how much your painter should be charging. This form is an order form completed by management that tells the painter exactly what to paint, and how much to charge. Attach sheet to the invoice you receive for painting.
→ File pink sheet in the unit’s permanent maintenance file.
- Always charge the vacating resident for excessive/unusual cleaning and painting as these are regarded to be ’unusual’ wear and tear.
- Charge for keys, gate cards, pool passes, garage door openers, etc. that are not returned.
- You don’t have to wait for vendor invoices to complete a SODA. Use the amounts listed on the Move-Out Inspection Worksheet and on Cambridge’s schedule of standard turnover costs. If there is a considerable discrepancy between the invoice charges and what the former resident was charged, generate an amended SODA and forward it to the Site Employee Resource Center for follow-up processing.