All apartment keys must be kept in a key box that is locked at all times.
Apartment keys must not be mastered.
Apartment key tags must be coded in a manner not reflecting the building or unit number and listed on the Key Log (form C484).
The de-coding system for the key tags must be kept separate from the key box and in a secure area.
All apartment door locks must be changed between move-outs and move-ins.
All occupied apartments should only have two keys on the corresponding key ring; one key for apartment door lock and one spare key for mailbox (if applicable).
Vacant apartment key rings should only include apartment keys and mail keys. Common area keys should be kept separate (i.e. laundry room, pool area, etc.)
Key Custody Protocol
Keys may only be issued by the community office staff and the emergency on-call maintenance person when they pick up the emergency pager.
Before any keys are issued to residents or vendors, staff members must first verify their identity by checking photo identification. Also see, Underage Resident Lockouts.
All maintenance, office staff, and vendors or contractors must also sign for keys issued to them on the Key Sign Out Sheet (form C409).